This master class will teach you how to create your own hand notebook in the scrapbooking technique

This master class will teach you how to create your own hand notebook in the scrapbooking technique

Almost everyone loves to receive gifts, too.most people love to present them. But we can't always guess the desires and tastes of our loved one. In this master class, I decided to offer you to create a beautiful scrapbooking notebook with your own hands. I am more than sure that such products will not only be interesting in their execution, but also desirable to any recipient. The work ahead of us is not difficult, but very interesting, and most importantly, the result will be amazing.This master class will teach you how to create a notebook using scrapbooking techniques. Photo №1So, in order to start working on the product - a notebook, we will need to prepare some material, namely:

  • A4 sheets printed, cut into halves;
  • two pieces of cardboard for binding;
  • sintepon;
  • a two-color ribbon;
  • scrapbooking paper;
  • picture;
  • brads;
  • flowers for scrapbooking;
  • half-beads;
  • Stamp pad with acrylic paint;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • line;
  • two types of fabric;
  • paper for the fly-leaf.

When all the material is ready, we move on to creationspiral notebook. Let's start with forming the cover. For this, we'll take two types of fabric and iron them with a hot iron. We'll also take cardboard for binding.This master class will teach you how to create a notebook using scrapbooking techniques. Photo # 2Let's cut the A4 cardboard into two parts using a regular sharp stationery knife.This master class will teach you how to create a notebook using scrapbooking techniques. Picture №3Take a piece of thin padding polyester for the two parts of the cover. Cut them according to the dimensions of the cover with allowances on the sides of about 2-3 cm.This master class will teach you how to create a notebook using scrapbooking techniques. Photo №4We will stitch these pieces onto the cardboard from the front side. And then we will cut off the edges of the padding polyester that protrude beyond the cardboard base with scissors.This master class will teach you how to create a notebook using scrapbooking techniques. Photo №5Prepare two pieces of fabric for both sides.covers. We will cut them with allowances on the sides of 1.5-2 cm. We will fold the fabric along the edges. We will stitch the cover from the front side at a distance of 0.5 cm from the edge. Then we will glue the endpaper from scrap paper. And we will bind the cover in spirals, with prepared sheets cut in half. That is, we have prepared the inside. I handed over the sheets with the finished cover to the photocopy department for binding. And they made me a neat binding there.This master class will teach you how to create a notebook using scrapbooking techniques. Photo №6Now let's prepare paper and a picture for decoration.We will cut the paper into different sizes. The main color of the paper is a large rectangle, the second one is two – three times smaller, and the third one is even smaller. We will also cut the illustration along the edge.This master class will teach you how to create a notebook using scrapbooking techniques. Photo №7Shade the edges of the prepared paper with acrylic paint using a stamp pad.This master class will teach you how to create a notebook using scrapbooking techniques. Photo №8We will age the edges of all the paper blanks using a sharp blade of scissors, as you can see in the photo. We will make a few more cuts, creating the effect of an aged and worn book.This master class will teach you how to create a notebook using scrapbooking techniques. Photo Number 9We will do the same with other segments. This is clearly visible in the photo below.This master class will teach you how to create a notebook using scrapbooking techniques. Picture №10We will sew the first piece of paper, the largest one, using a machine stitch.This master class will teach you how to create a notebook using scrapbooking techniques. Photo Number 11After that, we will stitch the remaining pieces of paper, shifting them to different sides.This master class will teach you how to create a notebook using scrapbooking techniques. Photo number 12The illustration is sewn on last. All pictures and paper are sewn on from the edge at 0.5-0.6 mm.This master class will teach you how to create a notebook using scrapbooking techniques. Photo №13Then, along the edge on the left side, we lay two shades of shabby tape, gluing it in some places with glue and fixing it with brads.This master class will teach you how to create a notebook using scrapbooking techniques. Photo Number 14Let's take flowers for scrapbooking.This master class will teach you how to create a notebook using scrapbooking techniques. Photo number 15We glue these flowers, forming a small bouquet. After that we add a few more half beads for beauty, as you can see in the photo. And now we can say with confidence that the cover is ready.This master class will teach you how to create a notebook using scrapbooking techniques. Photo number 16Since we sewed all the decor with the endpapers already ready, we need to close the seams that we stitched after that. To do this, we will form an envelope from paper. Take a square sheet.This master class will teach you how to create a notebook using scrapbooking techniques. Photo number 17Let's bend it towards the center, as you can see in the photo.This master class will teach you how to create a notebook using scrapbooking techniques. Photo Number 18We glue the envelope, we will need it to store various small items. The main thing is to glue it carefully so that nothing sticks together.This master class will teach you how to create a notebook using scrapbooking techniques. Photo Number 19The notebook is ready!This master class will teach you how to create a notebook using scrapbooking techniques. Photo number 20

