This master class of weaving crafts from rubber bands will teach the creation of a rubber toy - an animal.

This master class of weaving crafts from rubber bands will teach the creation of a rubber toy - an animal.

Weaving from rubber bands is very interesting anda simple process. Many of the figures are weaving on the machine, but if you need a three-dimensional toy, needlewomen use the Lumigurumi method. This is an analog of amigurumi, which is so often used by needlewomen - knitters. With the help of Lumigurumi it is possible to weave almost everything! In this master class I will tell you how to weave a bird-cook in such a way! This master class of weaving crafts from rubber bands will teach the creation of gum toys - an animal .. Photo # 1 Materials and tools:

  • Rubber bands;
  • hook;
  • clip;
  • sintepon;
  • beads.

For a bird, you can take gum absolutely anycolors. We'll take the blue color, for the wings - blue, and for the legs and beak - orange. We form a ring with lumigurumi from six loops. That is, wind the rubber band on the hook 3 times. We remove this ring, passing through it 1 elastic. We put the second side on the hook. We put the hook in the very first ring and carry through it another 1 elastic band, the other side - on the hook. We draw the first loop through all the loops on the hook. We have formed 1 loop, such need 6. Just starting the hook constantly in the first ring, dialing 5 more loops. At the sixth we put on the clip. The ring is ready, we will continue to weave through each loop on it. 1 row will be weaved with the addition to each loop. As a result, we will get 12 loops. All the time we change the clip on the loop from the hook, then to know where the series ends. The 2nd row is also a spear with additions, but every two loops. That is, in the first and second we will weave 1 elastic band, and through the third plait 2 elastic bands. From the 3rd to the 8th rows of the plait one rubber band through each loop. This master class of weaving crafts from rubber bands will teach the creation of gum toys - an animal .. Photo # 2 9 row will be weaved with a reduction through eachloop. That is, in the first loop of the plait 1 elastic, and the second and third loops we weave the 1st elastic band together. To make the weave look more neat, we make the loss for the inner wall of the loop. We fill the bird. From the 10th row to the end of the plait with a reduction in each loop. With the last elastic we make a noose. This master class of weaving crafts from rubber bands will teach the creation of gum toys - an animal .. Photo # 3 We'll sew a hat to our cook. We make a ring of six loops. In the second row, add to each loop. The next 2 rows of tat along 1 elastic band through each loop. This master class of weaving crafts from rubber bands will teach the creation of a rubber band toys - an animal .. Photo # 4 Attach the cap. This master class of weaving crafts from rubber bands will teach the creation of rubber toys - an animal .. Photo # 5 For the beak, we dial a ring of four loops. No more rows do not. This master class of weaving crafts from rubber bands will teach the creation of a rubber band toys - an animal .. Photo # 6 We remove it for a while and we'll weave the tummy of a bird. Blue rubber bands weave a ring of six loops. Change the rubber bands to white and plait 2 gums through each loop. We attach the part with the help of blue rubber bands with usual weaving. This master class of weaving crafts from rubber bands will teach the creation of gum toys - an animal .. Фото №7 Attach the beak. This master class of weaving crafts from rubber bands will teach the creation of gum toys - an animal .. Photo # 8 To weave the legs, let's take the orange gum. 1 you need to wind on the hook 3 times and stretch through it 2 gum. So 3 times. This master class of weaving crafts from rubber bands will teach the creation of gum toys - an animal .. Photo # 9 We will transfer all the loops to a pair of orange rubber bands. This master class of weaving crafts from rubber bands will teach the creation of gum toys - an animal .. Photo # 10 We attach paws. We determine their place. One side of the paw is left on the hook, and the other is removed from it. We loop through any loops on the body of a bird. Grasp the second side of the foot. We drag through all these loops on the hook 1 a blue rubber band. This master class of weaving crafts from rubber bands will teach the creation of gum toys - an animal .. Photo # 11 It remains to weave the wings and the biscuit. For the wings we take the same blue color as on the tummy. We dial a ring of three loops. Next, we rearrange the hook and the plait in the opposite direction, setting the hook in the same loop. Shave 2 gum bands through each eyelet. Again, we turn around and tear along one elastic band through each loop. The first loop is the one in which the elastic is already woven. Such details are plaid 2. This master class of weaving crafts from rubber bands will teach the creation of rubber toys - an animal .. Photo # 12 We attach it with the usual blue rubber bandsweaving. For beauty we will put on a cap 2 red elastic bands. We insert beads for the peephole. You can also weave the eyes out of the rubber bands. For the ladle, we collect a ring of five loops and weave 2 rows of 1 rubber band through each loop. To make a pen, just type in a string of twisted white rubber bands. The bird-cook is ready! This master class of weaving crafts from rubber bands will teach the creation of gum toys - an animal .. Photo # 1

