This master class will teach you how to quickly weave an original decoration – rubber band bracelet on a fork
Currently, bracelets are made of latex rubber bandsare especially popular. Their diversity and originality do not leave any modern fashionista indifferent, and their accessibility and ease of execution attract the attention of needlewomen even more. In this master class, on the eve of the New Year, we will weave a “Snow Queen” bracelet. We will spend about fifteen minutes on weaving. To knit a bracelet you will need:
- blue and white gum;
- two plugs;
- Scotch;
- clip.
The bracelet is woven using two forks.So, let's take two forks and put them next to each other so that their teeth are directed in opposite directions. Secure them with tape. You can weave such a bracelet one part at a time, but it is more convenient and faster to weave both parts at once. So, we will use one fork for the white part of the bracelet and the second for the blue one. We will throw the same on both forks. Place a white elastic band on the leftmost tine of the fork. Let's pull the elastic band back, turn it in a figure eight, that is, so that the elastic band crosses, and put it on the second clove. We pull it back again, turn it and put it on the third clove. We pull it back, turn it and put it on the fourth clove.We perform exactly the same actions on another fork with a blue rubber band.Without removing anything, we repeat throwing a new row, first on one fork, then on the other. Now, using a crochet hook, remove one bottom loop from each fork tine. Place a new layer on both forks.We weave in the same way: we put an elastic band on the first clove, turn it and put it on the second one, turn it again, put it on the third clove, turn it and put it on the fourth clove. Remove the bottom loop from each clove again. We do this on both forks. Next, add a new layer. It is no different from the previous ones. After each new layer, do not forget to remove the lower loops, passing them over the teeth. We weave in this way until the bracelet reaches the required length. Remember that at the end of weaving we will fold both parts of the bracelet in half. Therefore, it is important to calculate the length correctly.When both parts are ready, all that remains is to remove them from the forks and give them the desired shape. So, we have one loop on each clove. We transfer the loops from the outer teeth to the middle ones.Remove one bottom loop at a time. And we move the elastic bands to one clove. Remove the bottom loop.There is one loop on each fork.We move them onto the hook. There are now two loops on the hook. Let's pass the left one through the right one and get a knot. We tighten it. Forming a bracelet. We put on the clip. This bracelet is good not only for its simplicity and speed of weaving, but also for its variety. It can be worn by threading one part into the other. You can use the bracelet parts separately, or you can twist them into a spiral.