This master class will teach you how to make modular origami – fly agaric mushroom.
Materials:– modules in red or pink, as well as white; – transparent glue. Description of work: Fly agaric hat: 1. Take 2 red and 1 white. module. We arrange them as illustrated in the photo.The module located on the left forms the firstrow, modules located on the right — second. We connect the modules to each other. 2. We assemble the following two rows: the first is formed by 6 red modules, the second by 3 red and 3 white. Next, we close the chain into a ring. Here the modules must be glued together to give strength to the product.3. Place another 6 reds in certain places of the previous row (see photo). modules.4. We assemble the next row of 12 modules using the additional modules inserted in the previous row.5. Place another 6 whites in certain places of the previous row (see photo). Modules.6. We collect the 4th row from 12 red. and 6 bel. modules.7. We collect the 5th row from 12 white. and 18 red. modules. For every white string the module of the previous row 2 red. (2 pockets are free). For a couple of red — white, red, white (2 pockets are free).8. 6th row: fasten white. modules and 24 red, without adding.9. 7th row: 12 white. and 36 red. modules. Initially, we dress all in white. modules directly above white. row 5 modules. We string red on the remaining corners. modules in one pocket.10. 8th row: put on 48 red. modules. The cap assembly is complete.Base (leg) of the mushroom: We take pre-prepared white modules and assemble 6 triplets from them, as illustrated in the photograph.Then close them in a circle.We continue to assemble the leg, stringing the modules in a checkerboard pattern with the long side up to row 6 inclusive. Rows 7-10 – We put on 12 modules with the short side.The leg is almost ready.Finally, insert white. modules between modules of row 6.And put on a hat. The mushroom assembly is complete.