Tilda cat with own hands, photo, patterns, ideas / Toys with own hands, patterns, video, MK
The Tilda doll looks like a time machine.At the moment when a person sews it with his own hands, he seems to return to his own childhood. The process of creating a toy helps to restore psychological and spiritual balance, and the result gives a sense of celebration. Tildomania began more than ten years ago. The author of the first toy in this style is considered to be a Norwegian needlewoman - master Tony Finanger.
Following her, women all over the world (although there arecases that not only ladies do this; the author of the toy can also be a master (a man) sew cute tildes. There are many types: from cats and dogs to hares, bears, gnomes, birds, snowmen, housewives and home angels. Tilda cat is a character that stands apart in this row and is liked by almost everyone. In addition, a specialist leading a master class on creating tildes will definitely note that cats are an ideal option for a person who has decided to try his hand at such needlework for the first time and sew something himself. The main feature of a tilde is dots-eyes on the face and rosy cheeks. Usually a cat sewn from fabric is a small doll, neat, funny and touching. A master class on creating such a doll is not so difficult. Before sewing a tilda, you need to choose a pattern option. The tilda cat can lie, sit, walk and even fly.
It's better to start with the simplest pattern, and thenby the time when the first master class will already be in the past, try your hand at more intricate options. Interesting ideas on how to sew your own cat can be found on the Internet or in books in which professionals in this business demonstrate a master class on creating a tilde. Tilda cat: made of denim or wool? The material from which a tilda cat can be sewn is traditional. These are natural fabrics: linen, cotton, calico, wool. A master who has already gotten a good handle on sewing a tilde often embarks on bold experiments - decides to sew a doll from silk or jeans. You can work both manually and using a sewing machine. The main point that distinguishes a tilda cat from, for example, a tilda man is the way the head and paws are attached. It is thread-and-button, in which the limbs move. A cat is doll with a tail on a button
To work on a textile cat you will need:
- A small amount of tissue (enough to cover the paws, trunk and tail);
- buttons (three pieces - so that you can attach the tail and two front paws to the body);
- approximately 150 grams of filler (your choice of synthetic padding, synthetic fluff or holofiber);
- paint on the fabric (the color can be any that will better convey the mood of the beast).
In addition to materials for sewing a tildeyou will need a set of needles and scissors. When transferring the pattern to the fabric, it is very convenient to use a marker with a disappearing effect (the drawn line disappears without a trace after a few hours). Less modern, but time-tested means are also suitable for transferring the pattern - chalk, soap and a regular pencil. How to make a cat's head: master class
Body, paws and tailMaster class of creationthe body of a tilde cat - a kind of manual on how tildes are created in general. Everything here is quite universal: any tilde doll can be sewn using the same principle.
The final touches
The doll is ready. The master class is complete.It turned out to be a good gift, which will be suitable as a present for a birthday, New Year or just like that - no reason. Simple and inexpensive to make, but definitely expensive for the person you give it to: after all, the Tilda cat is a thing made with your own hands and with love.