Tilda-chicken master class / Toys with own hands, patterns, video, MK

Tilda-chicken master class / Toys with own hands, patterns, video, MK

Appetizing chicken color coffee with cream? This is not a grill, it's a tilde. The toys invented by the Swedish artist Tony Finnanger are sewn by hand easily and quickly, and fill the space with warmth, coziness, "homespun" and simplicity. The chicken, performed in this technique, looks very funny and at the same time is independent and stylish. Let's start the master class. Finished chicken

We will need:

  • Linen fabric for the body of the toy, preferably a shade of sunburn. However, if you want the chicken to be a classic white color, then you can take ordinary unbleached flax
  • Fabric of a different shade, better red - for scallop and beak
  • Fabric for clothes - dresses or overalls
  • Hollofiber or cotton wool for packing
  • Cosmetics for make-up, because our chicken needs bright colors

But any master class begins with the fact that we need a pattern. Here is one of the options, in which not only the chicken itself is fully displayed, but also its future overalls. The pattern is printed neatly on the printer, then transferred to the main linen fabric, from which the body parts of the tilde will be sewn. Each part, of course, consists of two halves. Scallop and beakHalves are spent together, always leaving a hole for stuffing holofayberom or cotton wool. We fill the parts with filler. WARNING: The beak of red cloth is immediately sewn to the head. KlyuvikAfter packing, the slot is closed with a hidden seam.The master class enters the most difficult stage - it is necessary to carefully join the body parts together, so that the chicken remains rather flexible, but at the same time it can take a stable position - sit, stand. Pay special attention to the scallop - it must be sewn so that it looks organically, not frayed. Still, we have a domestic chicken, but not a fighting chicken. StuffingWings can be "planted" on the buttons, then theywill be mobile, however, such a chicken can not fly anyway :)) The master class continues - now you need to sew a dress or overalls. Pattern of overalls is presented. The dress is even easier to sew, it can be executed in the form of a trapezoid with two seams. Welcome cute decorative details - hearts, karmashki.I final touch, which our master class ends - you need to paint your face. Tilda is ready! And this is a real chicken.

