Tilda goose master class step by step, pattern / Toys by own hands, patterns, video, MK

Tilda goose master class step by step, pattern / Toys by own hands, patterns, video, MK

Author:ZanozaWe present to your attention another creation from the creator of Tilda dolls Tone Finnanger. Meet the Tilda goose. We will sew it today according to the master class presented below. But, unlike the dolls, our goose will be able to stand.tilde goose

Master class for sewing goose in the style of tilde

We will need materials:

  • White fabric (calico, coarse calico) for the goose's body;
  • Beige fabric for beak and paws;
  • flaps of colored fabric for clothing;
  • Buttons;
  • wire;
  • filler (sintepon or cotton wool);
  • thread.

Operating procedure

  • Print out the pattern in triplicate. We fold the fabric for the body in half with the front side inwards and apply a pattern. We mark the line of the beak's beginning and we cut out on it a square flap.
  • On the vacant place apply two layersbeige fabric. We apply each layer separately, turn it away and iron it. Next, we transfer the pattern of the goose body to the fabric, making sure that the line of the beak's beginning coincides with the line on the pattern. On the same flap we draw wings.
  • Details are wasted (except for places indicated ona dotted pattern) and we cut out a zigzag with scissors. We turn all the blanks on the front side and fill them with filler. Wings are sewn with a hidden seam and pin to the body with pins. We sew the wings to the body both at once.
  • The next step is to make the feet of our goose. We fold the flap of beige fabric in half and transfer the pattern of all parts of the legs. Then sew on the contour, and in the lower part of the paws do not leave any omissions.
  • We cut out all the details. In the lower part of the legs, make an incision crosswise and fill the sintepon. We also fill the upper part of the legs. Sew the parts of the legs together with a hidden seam.
  • It remains to sew together the body and legs, butbefore we insert the frame. Bend the wire in half so that the height of the frame was approximately to the neck of the goose. Paws we put on a skeleton serially. We adorn the upper part and sew details with a hidden seam.
  • We pass to the second part of the master class - sewing clothes for the goose. First, we cut out all parts of the overalls: trousers, bib and straps. Bib and straps are stitched, twisted and ironed.
  • The lower edge of the pants is bent and stitched. Also on the edge you can sew lace or braid. Sew the pants along the front and back seams and unfold. We prune the pants with pins at the inner seams and also stitch.
  • To the front of the panties in the center we putbib and pins. We turn away the breastplate, bend the upper edge of the panties and sew on the sewing machine. We put panties on the goose and drive it around the waist, making two folds in front and behind.
  • Adjusting the pants under the size, we sew them to the goose's body too, so they will not fidget. Bregs we fold and sew on the breastplate, along with the buttons. Back straps sew cross-wise.
  • We fold the fabric for panamaInward and transfer the pattern. After sewing on the contour on the sewing machine, cut out the workpiece and turn out the left slot. And we bring inside a piece of panama with a slot.
  • Embroider the eye of the goose with French knots. We put panama on the head and fix it in a couple of places. We put on the cheeks a blush and tie a bow around his neck. Tilda the goose is ready for the photo shoot.
  • tilde gooseMaking such a goose is much easier than it seems at first glance. Try it and see for yourself. Good luck. And in the video tutorial - a simpler version of the goose:

