Tilda horse pattern, how to sew a horse, patterns, ideas / Toys with your hands, patterns, video, MK

Tilda horse pattern, how to sew a horse, patterns, ideas / Toys with your hands, patterns, video, MK

Author: ZanozZdravstvuyte, dear needlewomen. If you are a proponent of tilde dolls or just a soft toy, we suggest sewing the horse yourself. And the master class prepared by us will help you in this.

Step-by-step master class

We offer several toys at oncefor tailoring. See the horse patterns below. In the presented master class we sew a toy tilde horse (pattern number 3). So, to sew a soft toy we will need:

  • Pattern of a horse;
  • fabric (dense cotton, cotton, coarse calico);
  • filler (holofayber);
  • yarn for mane and tail;
  • Buttons;
  • a narrow satin ribbon;
  • accessories for decoration.

Operating procedure

  • On the material folded into 2 leaves, we transferdetails (we will need a pattern) of all parts of the horse: legs, trunk and ears. We sew the contour on the sewing machine and cut out with scalloped scissors close to the line. On the fabric at the bottom of the abdomen, we leave a slot for eversion. Legs stitch completely.
  • At the very top of our tilde's legs we make an incision(marked on the pattern with a cross). Note that the slots must be made symmetrically (2 + 2). Through the incisions we turn the parts to the front side and fill them tightly with filler. Sutures are sewn.
  • To strengthen the legs to the abdomen of the horse we will be the methodbutton fastening. This method is very common when sewing tildes, since it makes it possible to change the position of the attached parts. Such a toy can be not only an ornament of the interior, it is pleasant to play with children.
  • First you need to sew the button to the topfeet (on the reverse side of the slot). When all the details are prepared, we sew through the trunk first the front legs first, then the back legs. The ears are folded and sewn to the head with a secret seam. The main part of our master class is over, we only need to sew a tilde to the horse's tail and mane.
  • To do this, cut the yarn into the same lengthstrands. Threads are sewn to the head one at a time and knotted with a knot. The tail is made even easier: we fold the strings in half, tie and sew. Above we tie a bow.
  • What kind of horse without harness? We sew the saddle from the fabric, we will make the harness from the satin ribbon. Two flaps of fabric fold the faces to each other and transfer the pattern of the saddle.
  • We sew on the outlined contour, approximately in the middle we make a small incision. The saddle is turned and ironed. It remains to sew a ribbon from below the abdomen and a saddle from above.
  • We also tie a ribbon around the neck of a horse, and also make a bridle. With acrylic paints we paint eyes on a toy. That's all, our master class has come to an end, the horse's tilde is ready.
  • tilda-horse-25We hope that the presented master-class will help you to make the tilde yourself a horse. Good luck and see you again.

