Belt of beads: wickerwork of the original accessory (video)

Belt of beads: wickerwork of the original accessory (video)


A beaded belt is a unique decoration,which can give any girl a twist and individuality. You can weave such a decoration using a frame that is designed for bead weaving. Each needlewoman can use the patterns and apply a little of her own imagination to create her own exclusive model.
But to make the beaded belt beautifulIt is not enough to use a simple frame, which is intended for weaving work. It is best to use frames of complex designs for work, where it is possible to make beaded ribbons of great length.

Necessary materials for making the belt

To perform a master class on beading, you need to take the following materials and tools:

  • Beads of amber color;
  • Beads of pistachio color;
  • Brown beads;
  • Beads of terracotta shades;
  • Beads of white color (preferably matte, because it will be beneficial to look at the photo);
  • Beads of pale pink shades;
  • Beads of light green colors;
  • Dark green beads;
  • Pistachio felling - about 50 grams;
  • Large faceted beads;
  • Connecting strips made of suede. It is desirable to use bands of dark green hues.

Features of creating a belt of beads

The master class described below was speciallyselected in the tones of the color8/ range, from which onyx pendants are created. In this way, needlewomen will be able to make a beautiful composition that will have a ready and finished look. Each needlewoman has the opportunity to add her own fantasy and take beads of a different color and shades for work.
It all depends on personal preferences andpossibilities of the needlewoman. Before starting work on making a belt, it is necessary to determine the approximate length of the future decoration. Each needlewoman can make such a belt with her own hands. For a model that resembles an ethnic style, it is necessary to weave each individual element separately. After completing this stage of work, you can already begin to assemble all the individual elements into a whole.

Technique of weaving a belt of beads

The beadwork will have to be done from the cornersmotives. Even beginner needlewomen can do this work and technique with their own hands. Below is a simple and clear technique for performing such a process:

  • Stringing the transverse strip straight to the straight knots;
  • The lower rows should be slightly shortened. To do this, beadwork is performed with a decrease in one cell. The length of the strip is calculated according to the preference of the needlewoman;
  • The angle on the strip will look symmetrical even without taking into account the shape of the bundle. Weaving should be carried out in longitudinal rows;
  • More experienced needlewomen give advice for beginners: if for work to take a small amount of angled beads, then the angle will be much better to keep its original shape;
  • The second row of weaving is done by adding two ligaments. They should be located opposite the lower corner beads;
  • Further weaving continues in a similar way.

Schemes for weaving belts from beads

Beginner needlewomen will find it useful to watch a video tutorial on weaving a beaded belt, which shows the beading technique of such an accessory in more detail and clearly.
The patterns help needlewomen not to get confused in the colors and directions of weaving beads. A beaded belt is always in great demand because it looks modern and very beautiful.

Video: Shaving belt with beads and glass beads

