Tips and advice on making the original stand for magazines with your own hands.

Tips and advice on making the original stand for magazines with your own hands.

Although in the modern world more and more often printedprefer computers to publications. However, quite a large number of people do not give up the habit of leafing through a fresh newspaper or magazine. Work in many offices cannot do without any specialized publications and brochures. Of course, you can store all sorts of printed publications in stacks on the table. However, this is quite inconvenient and untidy. And now we will talk about how to make a simple to make, but at the same time, stylish stand for magazines and newspapers with your own hands. It will be an excellent assistant in maintaining order in your workplace. To make a stand, you will need a few materials. Prepare a piece of leatherette or leather (approximately 80 x 35 cm), metal fittings of an angular shape with a diameter of 1/2, 3/4 inches, a wooden perch that will fit tightly into these fittings.Tips and advice on making the original stand for magazines with their own hands .. Photo # 1Making the base First you need to makea wooden base stand. Decide on the desired size of the finished product and saw the perch into pieces of the corresponding length. Take the two shortest ones and put two fittings on them and place them parallel to each other. Insert medium-length perches into the free openings of the fittings. Subsequently, you also need to put fittings on them. And finally, you need to connect the two resulting structures using the longest perches. In this case, you need to turn the free fittings as in the photo.Tips and advice on making an original stand for magazines with your own hands. Picture number 2In order for the structure to hold firmly onpoles, fix it with glue. Do not forget that it should be used when the finished canvas is fixed. Making the canvas Now start sewing the canvas.Tips and advice on making an original stand for magazines with their own hands .. Photo # 3First you need to decide on the sizeturn-up. To do this, wrap one of the edges of the workpiece around a wooden pole. It can be made solid or with a cutout in the center. Sew the resulting hem. Now string the finished part onto the wooden pole and measure the desired size of the panel. Mark the desired length by wrapping the leatherette around the second pole. Remove the panel and sew the second hem. If you want to make cutouts at the last stage, do it carefully so as not to touch the finished seams.Tips and advice on making an original stand for magazines with their own hands .. Photo # 4Now that everything is ready, put the canvas on the wooden poles, fix the fittings, coating them with glue. Let the resulting structure dry.Tips and advice on making an original stand for magazines with their own hands .. Photo # 5Now your magazine and newspaper stand is completely ready for use.

