The theme of space in children in classes on modeling and creation of hand-made articles by own hands
What could be more interesting than creating a starship?with your own hands. Or send your favorite teddy bear to explore an unknown planet. Modeling exists to make these children's fantasies come true. Little children are very inquisitive. A huge unknown world opens up before them, and kids study it with great pleasure. Modeling from various plastic materials can provide significant assistance in development and comprehension. By creating crafts from clay, dough or plasticine, a child develops his cognitive functions. Vocabulary increases. Modeling trains perseverance and attentiveness. Creative streak and fantasy are revealed. Everything that a child can reach, any thing that can be taken out, will be carefully examined, tasted, thoroughly examined. And how interesting and exciting it is if an object can change its shape under the influence of his little palms. There is so much new and unknown around that kids need help. Adults help and prompt, set the direction for the flight of fantasy, offer a theme for modeling. The process of modeling is often accompanied by a story connected in meaning with the theme of creativity. Does the kid like to look at the stars shining in the dark sky?? You can tell him about planets and galaxies, invent your own magical world or tell him about the real one. Show him an image of the Earth or the Sun. The kid will learn that our planet is not the only one in the system called the Solar. Satellites, orbits, rockets, stars. So many incomprehensible and mysterious words. Modeling on the theme of space will send the kid on a long, exciting and educational journey. It does not matter what material the masterpiece will be created from. Plasticine, clay or dough. Anything will do. The main thing is that there are bright colors, plasticity and softness, suitable for children's hands. You can conduct pre-launch preparation. Cover the work table with paper or oilcloth, put on an apron-spacesuit and you can go to the start. How to mold an intergalactic rocket with your own hands:

And now the rocket is ready to make a long-distance flight.space flight. For younger children, those who are just learning the basics of modeling, you can offer to make a simple plasticine composition on a piece of cardboard or even a plastic plate. For this you will need plasticine of different colors, as well as various additional materials. Foil, buttons, toothpicks.
- Let the baby spread black or blue plasticine over the cardboard. And now the outer space is ready.
- Small pieces of plasticine will be asterisks. And you can make them from foil. Here adults need to help the baby. The kid will arrange them the way he likes.
- Mix the yellow and orange clay, from which you will get the Sun.
- Roll the ball white and flatten it. To stick in a flat cake of a toothpick and to attach on a cardboard. Here's a satellite ready to fly around the Earth's orbit or a fictional planet.
- Of course, cosmonauts are in space, and aliens live on the far edge of the galaxy.
Let the child come up with what creatures live on unknown planets. Maybe they will have 3 eyes or they will be completely without legs and arms.
Does your little one like working with dough?It's very easy to roll out a large blue, light blue or violet pancake. And the little one can cut out stars, planets and rockets from multi-colored dough using baking molds. Put your favorite toy in the spaceship and send it off to conquer space.
You can invent a whole world with the participation of your child's favorite characters. Each modeling lesson will send them together to new discoveries. There is no need to limit the imagination. Let him create and dream.