Toys for kids made by own hands. Various photos and ideas of toys.
Any mother who loves her baby,cares not only about his health, but also about his correct and timely development. Nowadays, there are many special methods of child development and a huge amount of play material that helps the child to master new knowledge and understanding of the world around him. Every mother can help him to master and learn practically from the cradle, actually for this purpose there are toys for the development of babies. In specialized stores you can find a variety of children's products that are designed for children of different ages and are useful play material, but the prices for these products are quite high. Those mothers who are not able to afford such expenses can make such toys with their own hands without harming their child, using the materials that are at hand. The main thing is to understand what exactly and for what age you need to make.While the baby is lying in his crib andIf the baby does not yet roll over on his back on his own, you can attract his attention with the help of toys hanging above the crib, which he will watch and try to reach with his hands. Toys of different colors can be hung on strings or cords attached to the rim. An embroidery hoop or any other similar design can serve as the rim, but the main thing is to pay attention to the fact that it is safe. In general, when making toys for small children, you need to pay close attention to the quality and safety of the parts that are used. Toys for attachment can be sewn yourself, choosing what you like - a ball, a heart, a cube, a bird, etc. You can make sewn toys with strings and hang them on the sides of the crib so that the baby, paying attention to them, tries to roll over on his side. When the baby is a little older and can crawl and roll over a little, you can sew a play mat. It should be bright, of different colors and types of fabric, soft, so that the baby feels comfortable on it. You can sew ribbons to it, tying them into bows later. Sew on all kinds of appliques from figures and elementary drawings. The sun, a flower, a cloud, a boat, an apple - the baby will study all these drawings, and you will voice the names. You can sew on the first letters of the alphabet and numbers - in general, all those things that will be useful for him to study. You can make several of these rugs and distribute different themes on them.
When the child can sit independently,You can make a play development cube for him. While sitting, he will look at it and study everything you add to it. You can make a pocket on such a cube, sew on a zipper and Velcro straps, sew on buttons with loops. While playing, he will learn to use such things and develop fine motor skills of his hands. The cube should be soft and not heavy, because the child can drop it on himself. You can also sew a set of cubes with the alphabet or numbers, with which the child will begin to learn the basics of well-known sciences.
After looking at the photos of such toys, you will be able tocorrectly navigate their production, get ideas for your work and create a toy that you consider more useful and necessary for your baby.