Felt toys with patterns, master class, apple, kitty, fruit / Toys with own hands, patterns, video, MK

Felt toys with patterns, master class, apple, kitty, fruit / Toys with own hands, patterns, video, MK

It's hard to find a child who doesn't likefunny soft toys in the form of dolls, animals or fruits. You can easily sew such a felt toy for children or young-at-heart adults yourself. This activity does not require any special skills, but you just need to show your imagination and find quite a bit of free time.Felt toys with patternsMaking a felt toy with your own hands isexciting and useful creativity. Your creations will always be original and unique. Felt toys are safe for children. They have a pleasant-to-touch structure, colorful colors, and all kids adore them. And most importantly, homemade toys carry the warmth of mother’s hands. You can sew anything from felt: dolls, animals, birds, a car, and even vegetables and fruits. It is advisable to select bright colors of felt for creativity, and use synthetic padding as a filler. You will also need a set of sewing supplies and various decorations. It is important that all prepared materials are natural and safe. We offer you several simple master classes on sewing felt toys that will help you surprise and delight children with real toy wonders.

Fedora dog family - master class and schemes

Felt toys with patterns-2We will need: colored felt, filler, two beads, thread, needle and scissors.Felt toys with patterns-4Step one: we make patterns for the dog’s parts according to the proposed pattern, transfer them to pieces of fabric and cut out all the resulting parts. Next, we sew the legs to both halves of the body.Felt toys with patterns-5Step two: sew the spots to the head and the heart to the back of the dog.Toys made of felt with patterns-6Step three:We sew both halves of the dog together, leaving a hole at the bottom for stuffing. We fill the toy with padding polyester and sew up the left hole. We sew on the beady eyes, and then embroider the nose and mouth.Felt toys with patterns-7Step Four: sew the ears and bow with the head.Step five:In the same way we sew the rest of the dogs, the diagrams of which are in front of you. Such a family of small puppies can be hung on a mobile for newborn children, as well as on a crib. And if you use beads or cereals as a filler, the toys will further develop the baby’s fine motor skills.

Apple from felt - master class

Apple from feltWe need: dark green, dark brown and green or red (for a red apple) pieces of felt, brown, green or red thread. Apple from felt-3 Apple from felt-12Operating procedure:

  • We make cardboard patterns according to the scheme and cut out fromgreen pieces of felt 6 pieces of apple and dark green - 1 detail for the leaf. For the stalk, a pattern is not required. We just cut out a small rectangle from a brown felt with a size of 1.5 by 2.5 cm. We mark the upper part of the apple on the details of the apple.
  • Sew all the details of an apple using a doublegreen thread, leaving a hole about 5 cm for packing. We turn the apple on the front side, and then fill it with filler. Sew the edges by making a large knot in the middle of the top of the apple, wrapping the thread 5 or 6 times around the needle.
  • We pass a needle and thread through the center of the fruit and slightly tighten the lower and upper parts. This will give the apple a more realistic shape. We pass the needle back through the middle and fix the thread well.
  • Fold the brown stalk and sew it along the length. We embroider a vein on the leaf with a green thread.
  • We wrap the leaf around the stem and stitch them together at the base. Sew a leaf to an apple. In the same way, you can sew other fruits and vegetables.
  • Charming feline cat - master class

    felt cat-2 felt catWe will need: bright pieces of felt, filler, two beads, small bows and bright threads. Procedure:

  • Draw a seal on the above scheme, we make a pattern of the toy and cut out two cat parts.
  • We decorate the muzzle of the seal. Eyes and a nose are cut out of felt. Attach beads to the center of the eye. Cilia and mouth on the muzzle embroider threads.
  • We sew both parts of the cat with the stitch seam, leavinghole for stuffing, and fill it with sintepon. Finally we sew bows to the toy. Such lovely seals of bright colors can be sewn in any quantity and hung on mobile phones for newborn children.
  • Felt dog with a flower - a master class

    Fur dog with a flowerWe will need: beige felt, two beads, a button for a flower, a ribbon. Work order:

  • Draw the pattern according to the scheme, transfer it to the felt and cut out 2 details of the trunk of the dog, 2 details of the lower part of the trunk and 1 insert for the head.
  • Sew the details of the toy with a seam, not forgettingleave a hole for the sintepon. We fill it with a toy, sew the eyes and decorate the dog with a ribbon and a flower. The flower is cut out of felt, and as an ornament we sew a button to it.
  • Fruits and vegetables from felt - master class and schemes

    Fruits and vegetables from felt Operating procedure:

  • According to the schemes offered by us, you can sew a whole set of vegetables and fruits that will please your children.
  • We make toys in the same order as we sewed a cat and a dog. Patterns are drawn from the diagrams. Do not be scared if they will be slightly different from the original. But your toys will be unique.
  • Other ideas and schemes of toys made of felt

    Felt dollHorse with felt ballHorse with a ball of feltFelt deerFelt bull and cowGoblin and coward from felt Bunny We hope that the master classes will help yourealize all your ideas for sewing felt toys. If you involve your children in this interesting activity, then in joint creativity you will create a real masterpiece.

