Toys with their own hands. Helicopter, submarine and rocket.

Toys with their own hands. Helicopter, submarine and rocket.

I would like to offer you the simplest onestoys - crafts for kids! FLYING HELICOPTER. We will need: Pencil with an eraser on the end Paper Scissors Scotch tape Pushpin Paints or markersHelicopter with own hands (2)Cut out a long strip of paper and color it(let the child create his own helicopter style himself). Attach the strip to the pencil eraser with a button, and it is advisable to secure our construction with tape. The helicopter is ready!self-propelled helicopter (3)Helicopter with own hands (4)Spin the pencil and launch the helicopter!Helicopter with own hands (5)See also how to make cars and planes with your own hands from a box. SUBMARINE. We will need: Paper Bottle Print out a submarine of your choice:Gray Yellow Blue RedStick photos of members of your family, or draw the little men themselves, who will sail in your boat and shove this picture into the bottle. The child will really like this boat! How to make a big pirate ship from a box.  ROCKET. We will need: Paper Scissors Toilet paper roll Glue Cardboard Cut out the parts for the rocket from cardboard, as shown in the photo. Make small cuts in the roll:rocket with their own hands (4)Let's connect the parts and glue the painted paper to the finished rockets:rocket with their own hands (5) rocket with their own hands (1) rocket with their own hands (3)If you stretch a rope across the room, you can launch our rocket by gluing a straw (cocktail tube) to it:rocket with their own hands (2)Here you will find a more complex model of a space rocket. I offer you other interesting and simple crafts and toys for children with their own hands.

