Love tree from beads with your own hands photo and video

Love tree from beads with your own hands photo and video


Do you want to surprise your loved one in the form ofan original and beautiful gift? Give him a tree of love, a symbol of all people in love and loving. Such an unusual gift can be given on Valentine's Day, a birthday, a wedding anniversary or simply as a sign of sympathy for a person.
Usually the tree of love is represented by variouscompositions with beads, sequins, natural materials, ribbons, glitter and other decorative details. Master class on making various types
, you can see it on our website.Most often, such a tree is made in the shape of a heart, but sometimes it is round or abstract. What kind of love tree you want to see depends only on your imagination. You can find many beautiful products on sale, for any color and taste, but these are all soulless industrial crafts. You can put a piece of your love into a gift for your loved one by making such a love tree with your own hands. You can use various materials to make it, but a tree decorated with beads will be especially exquisite. Using wire in the work allows you to give such a tree any shape and bend, the work on its manufacture does not require much time and large material costs. The master class below will tell you how to make such a tree.

Materials needed for work

First of all, this is a strong wire. It should be strong enough not to break when bent, and not very thick, so that it can easily enter the hole of the beads. To work with it you will also need wire cutters or pliers.

Working with beads.It should be large enough so that the patterns woven from it are not lost against the background of the tree itself. The tree of love, which is two woven halves of a heart, is usually made in two colors. Blue and pink halves, gold or silver, the color scheme of the beads depends solely on your preferences.
To braid the stems you will need multi-coloredwire, since its color range is limited on sale, this master class will be using silver and gold wire, they are easy to find on sale. Accordingly, the heart will be made of gold and silver beads. But these colors can be replaced with others if desired.
We will also need a stand.For this you can use a piece of real wood, special flower biomass, beautiful containers or pots. We will use a small pot, which we will then decorate with various details or simply glue with multi-colored beads.
The trunk will be decorated usingrelief acrylic paste, gold and silver acrylic paint. To give it thickness, you need to buy a small piece of wire with a braid. All these materials can be purchased at any hardware store.

Making leaves for a tree of love

First we will make strings for beads, that iswires on which it will be strung. Cut off a piece of wire with nippers and make a bend in the shape of a circle at its end, it is needed so that the beads do not slip off, we make the same bend at the other end of the wire at the end of the work. We begin to string beads on it to about half the length.
After the beads are strung, we fold themwire in half, matching the ends with the bends, and align the number of beads on both sides. Grab a piece of wire at the beaded end, about 1 cm, and twist it into a loop, twisting it several times, moving the remaining beads to the side. We get a leaf - a loop on a leg. Then, stepping back a little to the side, make another such loop with beads, twisting the wire. We get two loops at a small distance from each other. You can adjust the distance between them yourself. You can also make the number of leaves - loops as you wish, the main thing is that they are evenly distributed along the entire wire. Having finished weaving the leaves, cut the wire and remove the excess beads.

As a result, we should get a wire withbeaded leaves - a branch. You need to make several of these branches, making them in the same way as the first one. If you want to make your tree of love lush, then you need to make at least 5 of these branches.

Master class for the manufacture of trunk for wood

The trunk for a tree should be strong and flexible, so that it can be shaped like a heart, because a love tree is first and foremost a tree-heart.

You can use braided wire for this, or buy a round flower holder from a garden store and shape it into a heart by twisting the ends together to form a figure eight.
Having bent the workpiece into the shape of a heart, we beginscrew wires with beaded leaves to it, distributing them evenly along the future trunk. Screw the branches with silver wire on the side of the heart where the silver branches will be, and gold, where the gold leaves will be. When screwing the branches, step back from the trunk by 1-1.5 cm so that the leaves are on a stalk, and do not grow straight from the trunk.
To add thickness to the trunk, we wrap itwith a braided wire, passing the attached branches with beads through the spirals. On top of this thick wire we run a spiral of gold (or silver) wire.
After the trunk is braided, and its endsfixed, it is necessary to fix it above the stand, where the tree of love will be "planted". This is done so that the trunk is directly fixed in the solution and is stable. It can be suspended on wooden beams. We pour gypsum or alabaster diluted with water into the base - the stand, in our case it is a pot. And we lower the suspended ends of the trunk there. We wait for the gypsum to harden, and the finished work can be decorated.

Teaching master class on decorating a tree

Once the plaster has set, the wood can begive the desired bend and align the halves so that they form the correct shape of the heart. To give the trunk a natural texture, we will make it convex using acrylic relief paste. Add a little acrylic varnish to the paste, mix the mixture and apply it to the trunk using a piece of cardboard or plastic, creating bulges and reliefs of the bark. Wait for the trunk to dry completely. Take acrylic paint in gold and silver colors and apply it over the tree trunk, not forgetting to apply silver where there are silver branches, and gold paint where there are gold ones. We also paint the plaster base of the tree in the pot with paint. After the paint hardens, straighten the beaded branches, giving splendor to the tree. In addition to the branches themselves, you can hang small bells, beads or other decorative details on the trunk.
Now all we have left to do is decorate the pot –base. Here you can also show your imagination. You can glue it with natural dried moss, wrap it with satin ribbons, glue it with rhinestones, beads or sequins, that is, use all the materials that you have at hand. Our heart tree is ready. Now you can pack it in a beautiful box or use transparent packaging, tying it like a cone and decorating it with a bow.

Using this master class on making basic parts for a tree, you can create your own original trees for various holidays and celebrations.

Video: Love tree from beads with your own hands

