Trees made of beads made with their own hands will serve as a good decoration for any interior
Beaded trees are beautiful elementsdecor, both for home and office. They fit perfectly and look great both in a homely comfortable atmosphere of rooms, and in a businesslike, strict style of office premises. Schemes of weaving trees from beads are very diverse, as, indeed, are the beaded trees themselves. Take, for example, the tree from beads "Birch". These trees, even if not real, still act as symbols of love and friendliness. In this small master class we will consider the scheme of this tree.To create a tree such as birch, you will need the following materials:
- beads of 4-5 shades of green color (such a number of shades will allow you to maximally convey the color of the young foliage);
- wire;
- thread floss or others for winding;
- paints and brushes;
- alabaster;
- glue.
First, you need to form the foliage.All the beads of shades of green are mixed, and the beads are taken, without choosing a specific color. 7 beads are strung on the wire, a loop is twisted (the end of the wire is passed through the first bead). This will be the first central leaf. From the resulting leaf, 1 cm on both sides of the wire, loops-leaves are made: 7 beads are strung and the loop is tightened. And again, having retreated 1 cm, it is necessary to make 4 more pairs of such loops from beads. After this, the wire is bent in half, and the central loop should be located just at the break. Thus, a birch branch is obtained. They need to be made at least 15 more pieces with 9 leaf-loops on each. There should also be branches with 11 loops in the amount of 57 pieces. Next, all the branches prepared in the above way must be tied together. Branches with 9 loops are twisted into bundles of three. The same is done with branches of 11 loops. There should be 5 small branches for the top and 19 for the crown, respectively.
The pattern of weaving birch from beads provideswe have the opportunity to make not one, but two tops on the tree. Therefore, for the first top, you need to connect three bunches of branches, and for the other - two. Wire with a diameter of 3 mm is tied to both tops with threads for winding. By interlacing the ends of the wire from the two tops, one trunk with a triple top and one side trunk is formed. Branches are tied to the trunk one by one. Thus, a triple top and 12 branches are placed on the main trunk; and a double top and 7 branches are placed on the side trunk. The branches of the crown are wrapped with thread. Any mold is taken as a stand for the birch, a plastic bag is lined into it and a solution of alabaster with glue is poured. The tree itself is “planted” into the not yet hardened solution. After 10-12 hours, the stand with the birch can be removed from the mold by pulling the edges of the bag. Now the painting of the product begins. To prevent the branches from getting dirty, they need to be wrapped in foil. The painting is done with a mixture of glue and alabaster, and after 10 hours (after drying) they are painted with paints diluted with glue. White paint is applied to the birch in two layers, after which, with a thin brush and black paint, the strokes of the bark on the trunk and branches are marked. When the paint on the craft dries, the foil can be removed, straightening the branches. And now, the birch is ready!
However, there is another tree diagram frombeads. The materials for the second birch tree are the same as for the first craft. Branches with loops are prepared in a similar way. But in this version, each loop consists of 12 beads. You will need 50 of these birch branch blanks. They need to be grouped into branches of 5-6 pieces, winding them with thread or floral tape. Branches that are slightly larger are formed by winding smaller ones onto a wire with a diameter of 1 mm. The branches are covered with white paint with black strokes that imitate birch bark. The finished branches are attached to a piece of thick wire (3 mm in diameter) from top to bottom in random order. They are fixed with double-sided tape or floral tape. For greater realism and naturalness, the trunk should be thickened at the bottom. To do this, pieces of old fabric, gauze or plasticine are wound around it. And the trunk is wrapped with threads or the same floral tape on top. For stability, the birch is fixed on a stand, for example, made of plasticine. A mixture of alabaster with water and glue is applied to the plasticine to fix it in the pot. The trunk of the birch is covered with the same mixture. Then the craft should be left for some time to harden. After thorough drying, you can start painting the tree. Decorative stones and beads are used to decorate the stand. After reading this master class, you will already know how to make a tree from beads. You can make both a birch and another tree according to this scheme. Here, everything depends on your desire. Feel free to start working on the craft. And do not be afraid, there is nothing complicated about it! And, having worked hard, you will get a very beautiful tree, which you will later use to decorate your favorite corner of the house, or you can put it in your office as a decoration. Good luck to you!