Christmas tree napkins with their own hands, photo, instruction / Toys with their hands, patterns, video, MK

Christmas tree napkins with their own hands, photo, instruction / Toys with their hands, patterns, video, MK

A beautiful and unusual Christmas tree can easily be donewith their own hands from such unusual material as paper napkins. It can become an original decoration of your New Year's interior. It can be put on the New Year's table, given to relatives or colleagues at work. Christmas tree napkins with their own hands will certainly add a New Year's holiday a piece of your soul, warmth and comfort. 1To make a Christmas tree with your own hands, you needItems that are likely to be found in your household: paper napkins, scissors, glue, cardboard. When you pass the master class, you may need other materials. Make a Christmas tree with your own hands can quickly and easily:

  • At first, a frame is made for the Christmas tree, as a rule, made of cardboard.
  • Then the frame is fastened with glue or a stapler.

cone-baseAfter that, napkins are madeimprovised twigs that attach to the carcass. There are a lot of ideas for unusual paper fir-trees, but each of them has its own little secrets and nuances, so we offer you several master classes to create a New Year beauty with your own hands.

Christmas tree made of paper carnations - master-class

You will need: 92 napkins of different colors, stapler, scissors, pencil glue, scotch tape, dense cardboard for the cone. Step one: fold the napkin twice in half. The middle of the square you got is fastened with a stapler. Round the clip, cut out the circle, as shown in the diagram of the master class. In the same sequence, make circles from the remaining napkins. Step two: lift the top layer of the napkin, raise it with your fingers up, then carefully crush it. We do this with all layers. As a result, you will have to get a crumpled bud. Then you need to spread the bud with your fingers to make a fluffy carnation. In this way, make 92 cloves. elka-iz-salfetok-003More details on how to make "carnations" for herringbone,Look at this video: Step three: Gently glue the paper carnations on the cone in any order. If desired, you can glue beads on a herringbone or hang beads. 2New Year's Beauty, created with your own hands, is ready! The whole process is also in this video:

Christmas tree in paper ruches - a master class

You can make your own hands a wonderful Christmas tree in coquettish ruches. herringbone in ruches You will need: colored monophonic napkins, cardboard, needle and thread, pencil glue, ribbon and beads.

  • For the Christmas tree frame, the cone is made in the same way as in the previous master class.
  • Strips of 3-4 cm wide are cut from napkins, which are then collected on a string.
  • The collected tape, starting from below, is glued to the cone in a spiral.
  • Beads are glued on the bushes, and the top is decorated with a ribbon.

Christmas tree of napkins by a method of facing - a master class

You will need: a pack of green napkins, cardboard, scissors, PVA glue, a brush, a green gouache, a ballpoint pen rod and decorations. Christmas tree of napkins

  • We make the cone in the same way as in the first master class. If desired, the frame of the tree can be painted green.
  • Cut the napkins into small squares 2 × 2 cm in size. The square should be in one layer.
  • We glue the squares tightly to the cone, startingbelow, in this way: we apply glue to the lower edge of the cone, in the middle of the square placed on the finger, abut the blunt end of the rod and wind the square onto the rod, as shown in the diagram.
  • We remove the lump from the rod and stick it to the cone. After gluing together the whole series, go to the next and so on to the top of the tree. We decorate the Christmas tree with beads and homemade toys.

Green herringbone - master class

9We suggest you to make a simple and beautiful Christmas tree with your own hands from napkins of green color. You will need: 12-15 green napkins, beads, glue and cardboard.

  • Draw circles of different sizes in descending order on napkins.
  • Cut (not cut off!) Excess paper around the circles. As a result, there should be several circles of different sizes, which will have ragged edges.
  • Then cut the circles in one place and paste, starting from the bottom, onto the cone. You learned the cone by going through the first master class.
  • You will get an original and unique New Year tree with shaggy twigs resembling branches of real spruce.

Interesting ideas for creating a Christmas tree from napkins Beautiful and elegant Christmas tree can come from delicate table napkins. herringbone of napkins on the tableOpenwork white Christmas tree, decorated with tinsel, will look great on the New Year's table. Such fluffy snow-white beauties can make even children. elka-iz-salfetok-009A truly festive New Year's table will look like if each guest put a Christmas tree made of cotton napkins on a plate. Christmas tree of napkins New Year trees, made by own hands,will be a wonderful decoration of your house. They can be done together with children, relatives and friends. A little New Year's beauty will certainly bring to your house a joyous New Year's mood. See similar master classes:

