Two master class on creating sheep from beads with their own hands with photo and description.
Sheep have always symbolized meekness and gentleness.and patience, while the phrase "stubborn ram" indicates that sheep are not as simple as they seem at first glance. In the mythology of ancient people, lambs and sheep occupied a special place. In ancient Egypt, there was a god Khnum, he was depicted with a ram's head. Everyone knows the story of the Argonauts who made a campaign for the Golden Fleece, which was nothing more than a lamb's wool made of gold. And of course, everyone knows about the signs of the Zodiac that include Aries. Soft living balls of white and black fur cannot but evoke affection, so needlewomen all over the world create their images in the form of embroideries, cloth and knitted toys, funny clothes for children. Sheep are depicted on cups, T-shirts and hats. This article will tell you how to create cute sheep from beads with your own hands. Such a craft can decorate the interior or become a gift to a loved one born in the year of the Lamb or under the sign of the constellation Aries. Our master class offers to create a three-dimensional sheep from beads.One of the conditions for a good craft will be the quality of the material. The beads must be well calibrated so that the product looks neat and harmonious. You will need:
- Black, white and beige 10/0;
- Two beads for peepholes;
- A piece of white cotton cloth;
- Thread and needle for embroidery with beads;
- Material for packing;
- Paper and a pencil for a pattern;
- Scissors.
Pattern. You need to draw and then cut out two parts of the body and head from the fabric.Corpuscle.The lines along which the parts need to be sewn are marked on the picture. The mark in two stripes is to sew the halves together, the mark in one stripe is to simply sew the parts of the part together. Leave a small opening so that the workpiece can be turned inside out and stuffed with suitable material. Sew both parts of the head, leaving an opening at the top; the outer seam will mask the beaded fur well.
On the preparation of the future sheep, already stuffedpadding polyester or any other material, make marks - legs, tummy and hooves. They will just need to be sewn with beads. For the hooves, take black beads.
Sew the back and sides of the body, alternating rowsbeaded fur and just rows of bead embroidery through one. Beaded fur is made like this: sew on 1 bead, put on the thread 3 - 4 more and pull the thread through the third, second and first beads. Fix the resulting design on the bead base. Sew in stripes.
Make marks on the sewn and stuffed headthe middle of the ears, eyes and nose with a mouth. Sew beige beads around the middle of the ears. Sew black beads around the muzzle and the outer sides of the ears. Sew large beads on the eye marks. Sew in a circle in a spiral from the bottom up. Sew beaded fur around the top of the head, without alternating rows with beads in one layer. Assembly. Sew the parts of the body and head. Sew, passing the needle not through the beads, but catching the fabric. To indicate the pupils on the eyes, apply dots with black varnish (you can use nail polish).
The fluffy sheep is ready. The next craft is quite small in size, about 1.5 - 2 cm. This cute sheep will be a great keychain or decoration for your mobile phone.
You need to take:
- Beads 10/0 white, brown, beige and 2 black;
- Beads 8/0 orange, white, brown;
- Beads 6/0 black for hooves (4 pcs for each lamb);
- Beads made of plastic 1 cm in diameter;
- A line or thread and a needle for beads.
The sheep is made in two separate parts (head and body), then they are sewn together. Head. The work is done by weaving a cross on one working thread with white beads 10/0.You need to make 5 crosses.With the sixth cross, loop the work. This is the first circle of the muzzle. The fishing line comes out of the lower bead of the cross. Start the second circle by making a regular cross (string 3 beads). Then pull the fishing line through the two tops of the next two crosses.
String 2 pieces of white beads.Pass the fishing line through the side bead of the first cross, then again through the tops of 2 crosses of the first circle and the fishing line comes out of the top bead of the next cross. A cross of 5 beads has been formed. (Figure 5). Repeat steps 4 and 5, indicated in the figures, and you will have one more regular and one five-piece cross. (Figure 6). Pass the fishing line through the last bead of the second circle and tighten all the outer beads of the crosses. Then pass the fishing line to the free side of the side bead of the first circle.
Weave two more crosses from 10/0 beads (theyshould be located on the side where the decreases were made - this is the head of the sheep from below and the place of attachment to the body) and four more crosses made of 8/0 beads. Figure 7. Pass the fishing line through the side bead of the first cross and weave the second circle in the same way. Tighten the beads at the ends of 6 crosses. Pull the fishing line out of the side of the muzzle. In Figure 8, 8/0 beads are marked where the ears (made of 10/0 beads) of a different color should be woven. The places where the eyes will be attached are marked.
Ears. Made of contrasting beads.The fishing line comes out of the 8/0 bead indicated in the figure, string 2 10/0 beads and pass the fishing line through 1 8/0 bead and these 2 10/0 beads. This is shown in Figure 9a. String 3 10/0 beads. Pass the fishing line through 2 and then 3 10/0 beads. String 2 10/0 beads and pass the fishing line as shown in Figure 9c. As a result, it should come out of the 8/0 bead. Use the same fishing line to attach 2 black 10/0 eyes and weave the second ear symmetrically. Pass the tail of the fishing line to the lower part of the muzzle. Do not cut it. It will be used to attach the head to the body.
Taurus. Weave from 8/0 beads. Weave the first circle from 11 crosses. This is Figure 10. Weave the second circle similarly, again 11 crosses. Figure 11.
On the 3rd round, decreases begin.Weave 1 cross over the first two crosses of the 2nd circle, 1 more over the 3rd, 1 more over the 4th and 5th, and so on to the end. Figure 12. There are 7 crosses in the third circle. Pull the lower beads together and pull the line to the free side of the first circle.
Place the bead in the bead nest and weave a row of eight crosses to tighten the work. Figure 13.
Pull the fishing line through the last row.Weave in 4 8/0 beads and 4 black 10/0 beads, alternating. Pass the fishing line to the top and make a tail between the 2nd and 2nd circles, just like the ears. Assembly. Sew the head to the body, secure the fishing line and hide the tails.
To weave such sheep, you can use wooden beads of a larger diameter or porcelain beads instead of 8/0 beads. The sheep will be more curly.