A useful box for a home for all the occasions of life with your own hands. The original device for the convenient storage of your things

A useful box for a home for all the occasions of life with your own hands. The original device for the convenient storage of your things

Sooner or later, each of us faces an acute problema problem associated with storing things. There are so many of them that the cabinets are not able to cope with all the variety of belongings accumulated over many years, and there is no money for a larger living space in the near future. What to do in this case? After all, you don’t want to throw away things that are so dear to your heart, although, perhaps, not so often used, and there is no way to place new furniture (and the prices for it are now simply off the charts). If you find yourself in such an extremely sensitive, but at the same time quite common situation, then the solution for you is quite simple. An original and useful box for the house made with your own hands will solve the problem of placing your belongings and will not take away such vital space from your rooms. In addition, such a product will cost mere pennies!

To create, you need:

  • Cardboard box. It can be of absolutely arbitrary size, depending on what is planned to accommodate things and free space.
  • The cloth. The piece should be such that when you put the selected box in the center, you could wrap all the edges on four sides with a cloth.
  • Dispersion glue PVA
  • Needles and threads (they can be replaced by a sewing machine)
  • Brushes for glue, scissors, sewing pins
  • Additionally, if you want to decorateYou may also need the finished box - brushes, acrylic paints, strips of linoleum. First, carefully cut off the lid of the box (if there is one, of course). Do this from all sides. After such simple manipulations, you should have a simple cardboard box left.Step-by-step instruction for creating a useful box for the house with your own hands. Photo №1The next step is to prepare the fabric handles.The color, you can choose completely at your discretion, the main thing is that it matches the interior perfectly. In order to make handles, carefully cut strips of the required width and length from the fabric, fold them as shown in the picture and below. Then simply stitch them together with threads in a “tone”. When the blanks are finished, apply them to the sides of the box and mark slots on them at the expected distance from one handle to the other. Cut out narrow windows approximately 3 mm wide according to the markings using a paper knife.Next we place our box in the middle of the piece of fabric.and outline it along the perimeter with a pencil. After that, grease the bottom of the box with PVA and glue it to the place marked on the fabric. Turn the box over and carefully smooth out the fabric so that there are no lumps or folds.The next step, in an absolutely identical mannerglue the fabric to the sides of the box. Leave only the triangles that form on the sides when you lift the fabric to the top of the box unglued. For convenience, secure the folds that result with pins and carefully cut the corners at a distance of 2-3 cm from the edges of the box.Next, we design the joints of the fabric on the edges of the box. This can be done by carefully folding the fabric (as shown in the picture below) and gluing the layer that you planned to leave at the bottom.While the glue under the fabric dries, lubricate the sides and, bending the layer on top (as in the picture below), glue it over the bottom one.The next step is to design the top.This can be easily done by gluing the folded edge to the fabric and fixing the fabric to the inside of the box. You should also remember to carefully trim the corners (see the picture below).All that remains for us is to record ithandles. Carefully make slits on the outside of the box using a paper knife. Next, using an ordinary pencil, insert the handles into the prepared holes. Then simply glue the ends to our box.All that's left is to give our handles strength. This is easy to do with ordinary strips of cardboard. Our useful box for the home is ready!Thus, in just a few hours,With the help of basic tools and instruments, you have made such an original and at the same time useful box for your home. It is a great place to store things, shoes, books, as well as your various tools for doing handicrafts. Not only will such a product take up practically no space and help to organize household utensils that have accumulated over many years, it will also fit perfectly into the interior of your home. You can vary the colors and shapes, depending on your needs and the materials used, and also additionally decorate the resulting boxes with original drawings, inscriptions, etc. We hope - our advice and such an excellent product will help make your life more convenient and your life brighter.

