Various schemes of weaving beads from beads. Ornaments with the help of possible techniques of beading.
Using a wide variety of techniques andbeading techniques, you can create incredibly graceful and elegant jewelry for women with your own hands. These can be earrings, necklaces or bracelets, spectacular belts or charming brooches. Every needlewoman, sooner or later, tries to master such a type of beading as a tourniquet. Naturally, to master this new type of weaving, you need not only oral or written explanations, photographs of visual examples, but also weaving patterns for different types of tourniquets.The cords can be either dense or openwork. They can have a square or round cross-section. Also, when weaving cords from beads, you can add other types of beads to the product.
One of the very popular and widespreadAmong the masters of types of weaving, is the "American tourniquet". It is made in the form of a spiral weave. Despite the fact that it is very simple to weave, the final result, even using the same beading pattern, will always look new if the options for its manufacture include beads of different shapes or sizes, as well as shades of beads. This interesting type of tourniquet is often called "Rope". It is advisable to remember both names, since both options can be found in descriptions.
The basic principle of weavingThe "American" tourniquet consists of securing the central bead or "stop bead", and then picking up 4 more main beads for the middle of the tourniquet and 3 beads to braid the middle. The fishing line threaded into the needle must be pulled through the middle, i.e. starting with the first and ending with the fourth bead of the base, so that a loop of beads is formed. For such a base or middle, it is worth choosing beads with large holes, since the needle will have to freely pass through the beads 4 to 5 times.
Then we string one bead of the base again andthree for braiding. Pull the fishing line with the needle to the top, starting with the second bead of the base of the tourniquet. Repeat the next step, starting with the third bead, and continue weaving until you get a tourniquet of the length you need. When the tourniquet is completely ready, remove the “stop bead”, attaching a clasp instead, if necessary. Such a tourniquet, which belongs to the type of technique with multi-layer overlay, will turn out to be quite plastic and flexible. When weaving a product from beads using the “American” tourniquet technique, you can safely use beads of any type and size for braiding the base, as well as beads, crystals or decorative stones. When forming an “American” tourniquet, each of its rows will consist of loops collected sequentially, having a certain number of beads. It is necessary to take into account that the more beads the loop includes, the more elastic the cord itself will be, and the beaded product in the form of decoration will be more openwork. Now let's consider the weaving pattern and features of the "openwork" cord, which also has the name "Russian spiral". In the execution of such a cord, you can use both the beads themselves and various beads, glass beads, rhinestones or stones. Such cords (cords) can be used as an additional decorative element in the manufacture of any product, or such a cord can itself serve as an independent decoration.
When weaving such a bundle, you collecta certain number of beads you need, which are closed in a ring. To do this, you need to pass the working thread through the first strung bead again. Such a cord is woven using a handy tool. Such a tool can be a pencil or a plastic tube, which are respectively inserted into the bundle when you just start weaving. This is necessary so that the bundle has the same tension and will facilitate the beading process itself. The rod you choose for making the bundle should have a diameter that will allow the bundle to be not too compact, but at the same time not too loose, and the beads could fit tightly enough to each other. In no case should you allow the working thread to be visible between the beads when weaving such a cord. The bundle should be elastic, able to hold its shape well.
To perform “openwork”rope, such a number of beads is collected, which can be a multiple of three and with the deduction of one bead. For example, 11 or 17. It should be taken into account that the more beads you collect, the thicker the rope itself will be. Weaving is done strictly following one direction.
The two types of harnesses we have looked at in thisarticle, are made using spiral weaving, which is also called "tubular". By applying your skills in practice, you will be able to see that the techniques for making such bundles are quite easy, and the products that come into being with their help look simply magnificent!