Wall hanger for clothes from wooden shoulders

Wall hanger for clothes from wooden shoulders

Today we propose to make an unusual hanger forclothes in the hallway. Unusual, because we will use ordinary wooden hangers as hooks. This is such a tautology - a hanger of hangers! wall hanger for clothesPrepare the basis for the hanger - a board, as well asseveral wooden hangers with a metal hook. One part of the shoulder needs to be sawed off. The angle of inclination of the remaining hanger depends on the angle at which you saw it off. Using screws or glue, we attach the hangers to the board - and the wall hanger for clothes, bags and hats is ready.wall hanging clothes hanger wall hanger in the hallway with your own handsAs a fun decorative element, you can write funny phrases on the hangers with a marker on behalf of the hanger: “Handbag, please,” “Hang your hat here,” “If it’s hard for you, I’ll hold it.”wall hanger in the hallway for clothes wall hanger with own hands from hangers

