Warm sweaters from sweater

Warm sweaters from sweater

Another reason not to throw away old or simplya boring sweater. You can transform his sleeves with minimal effort into warm, bright gaiters! Cold autumn on the street - warm your feet and add a twist to the style, at the rehearsal in the dance hall - will allow you to warm up your muscles faster, even at home, when it rolls across the floor, you will feel comfortable and comfortable in the sweaters' leggings. sweaters leggings with their own hands Everything is very simple. Stick your leg into the sleeve of the old sweater and mark the desired length of future gaiters. Then gently cut the sleeve with the sharp scissors along the marked line. Turn and slit the cut edge so that the knitting loops do not open. You can put a tape on the wrong side. If the sleeves are too wide and the leggings can slide - sew the elastic to the top. Also, sweaters leggings can be decorated with pompons, ribbons, buttons or felt figures. Warm sweaters from the sweater with their own hands Warm sweaters from the sweater with their own hands

