How to weave a rose from beads. step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the weaving of a flower and rose leaves in various techniques

How to weave a rose from beads. step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the weaving of a flower and rose leaves in various techniques

Recently, more and more popularityget things made with your own hands. Handmade handmade crafts create from a variety of materials from plastic bottles, egg shells and dough to yarn, polymer clay and beads. It is from the beads that you get surprisingly beautiful, original and elegant gizmos that will become a magnificent decoration for the interior of the home, details of decor for accessories or clothes. There are a lot of variants of products made of such material, the most popular are voluminous crafts. The history of products from tiny multi-colored beads has been around for many centuries. It began in Ancient Egypt. At the excavations of the city of Thebes, archeologists discovered a bead made of glass several thousand years old. In those days, beads were made from other materials: from bone and shells, cast from silver, gold and copper. In China, even beads of porcelain existed. But the most beautiful and in demand at all times was glass. How exactly the first bead appeared, it is impossible to find out for certain. But, like all the beautiful things from past centuries, the multicolored pieces of the rainbow are shrouded in many legends and fairy tales. One such myth from Turkmenia tells us that beads are bitter tears of girls. Beauties abducted an evil desert spirit and imprisoned them in his dwelling-cave. Beautiful girls cry, and their tears turn into precious beads. The last definition of many centuries in a row was valid for beads. It was a period when the secrets of the famous Venetian glass were kept in the strictest secrecy. And with them and the production of beads. For tiny beads gave in exchange gold coins, precious fabrics and slaves. Masters of glass affairs of Venice got their knowledge from the Romans even before the fall of their empire, and they in turn learned to cook glass from the Egyptians. Over time, navigation developed, new lands opened, and Venice lost its monopoly on beads. They began to build large glassworks, it stopped to cost fabulous money, and the craftsmen from all over the world began to invent and improve the techniques of embroidering and weaving from beads. To the most popular three-dimensional beaded products you can safely refer flowers. Different sizes, formats and shades, such crafts can become an independent element of decor in the form of a bouquet in a vase, an ornament for a handbag or a hat. Flowers from beads will be an excellent version of the brooch or an element of costume jewelry. One of the most popular, beautiful and favorite flowers are roses. Queen gardens are surrounded by many more legends than the material for their creation. According to one of them, the Hindu, from the rosebud rose the goddess Lakshmi - the most beautiful girl in the universe. The ancient Greeks considered it a flower of Aphrodite. In the history there is information that the floor, by which Mark Antony walked to the magnificent Cleopatra, was strewn with rose petals a few centimeters. If you decide to make a three-dimensional rose from beads, then below we offer a detailed master class with step-by-step photos of the weaving of this flower. Rose from beads French method of weaving How to weave a rose from beads. step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the weaving of the flower and the leaves of the rose in various techniques. Photo №1 French or arc technology is quite simple. On a pair of petals you will easily understand the principle of work, and be able to make roses with different pomp. Materials and tools:

  • Beads 11/0 (this is the most optimal size of the beadsfor those who only learn to weave) of two colors. One for the petals and the second for the edging. They can be contrasting or be in the same scale, it depends only on your imagination;
  • Beads 11/0 green for leaves and sepals;
  • Prostolka 0,3 mm for weaving petals;
  • Wire 1 - 1.5 mm for the leaves;
  • Wire 2 - 2.5 mm for the stem;
  • Scissors;
  • Threads of green mulina;
  • Glue;
  • Tools for working with wire (nippers, pliers).

The number of beads will depend on thathow much a lush rose you want to make. For a beautiful flower it will take about 180-200 grams of beads (for petals) and about 80 grams of beads for leaves. Of course, the number of beads will affect their size. The more beads themselves, the less they are needed. We'll weave, starting with the smallest petals that make up the core. For each rose you need 3 such things. Shave each of these petals on a piece of wire 50 cm. At one end we form a loop so that about 10 cm of free wire remains. This will be our axis. String on this tail 5 beads and make it the same loop. This is to ensure that the beads in the process of work do not slip. The greater end of the wire will be working. We put about 8 beads on it. We move them closer to the first low and make a coil of wire around it where the 5th bead on the axis ends. The working wire is perpendicular to the axis. We got one arc. Again, thread on the working wire 8 beads and make a turn already at the bottom of the first low. Now we collect about 13 beads on the working end and make a turn around the axis in such a way that it fits snugly to the first arc. In total in a petal it is necessary to make four pairs of hands. The fifth plait is the second color for edging. We hide the end of the axial wire in the last bubbly arc. The working part is twisted with a large loop, which was done at the very beginning of the work. How to weave a rose from beads. step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the weaving of the flower and the leaves of the rose in various techniques. Photo # 2 The next group of three petals is peltsimilarly on the pieces of wire of 65 cm on the axis, put on 6 beads. It will take 5 pairs of the main color arches and the sixth pair of edging. We make the petals pointed from above. To do this, we place the working wire not perpendicularly, but at an angle to the axis. How to weave a rose from beads. step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the weaving of the flower and the leaves of the rose in various techniques. Picture №3 The third group of petals (they also need 3 pieces) are weaved on a wire of 105 cm. For the axis we string 6 beads. The flutum of the eight pairs of arches is the main color and the ninth edging. How to weave a rose from beads. step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the weaving of the flower and the leaves of the rose in various techniques. Photo №4 For the fourth triple petals you will needtriple axis. To create it, take two pieces of 18 cm each and twist up to half. We loose the loose ends in the sides, as shown in the photo. Now on all three axes we put on 1 beads of the basic color. Working wire 125 cm long is attached to one of the axes. It will take 11 rounds of beads of the main color and the twelfth of the beads of the border color. Circles are obtained consisting of three parts, each of which is fixed by a turn around the axis. How to weave a rose from beads. step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the weaving of the flower and the leaves of the rose in various techniques. Photo №5 When all the petals are ready, proceed toweaving sepals and leaves. Works in the same arc technology, but with slight differences. Sepals will need five pieces for each flower. We will weave them on a wire of 40 cm in length. We make a loop on it similar to the petals. For the axis we string 23 beads. Flatter one pair of arcs. In each bow, approximately 28 beads. Working wire, we secured the second arc at the bottom of the axis. The next low bead should be equal in length to half the length of the first arc. Working wire, we make a revolution not around the axis, but around it. Now we pass to the other side of the sepals. For better fixing, you can make a turn around the second arc. Now we make a low bead like the previous one and fix it at the bottom of the axis. How to weave a rose from beads. step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the weaving of the flower and the leaves of the rose in various techniques. Photo №6 It is necessary to weave three more leaves. For each need a wire 80 cm long. For the axis we string 20 beads. The first pair of arcs are plaid, as usual. The next low on the working wire should be such a length that does not reach the top about 5 - 6 beads. We fix it around the arc and again string the beads. Now we make a turn with a working wire at the bottom of the axis. It turns out a kind step. We pass to the other side. The plait is similar. There are three such steps on each side of the sheet (see photo). How to weave a rose from beads. step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the weaving of the flower and the leaves of the rose in various techniques. Photo №7 For a piece of wire 1 mm attach the leaves. Tightly wrap on top of thread floss. For the time being put off. The petals, before being fastened together, must be bent, like a real flower. We take a thick wire and thread the first three small lobes. We have them overlapped. Next, we tie up the rest to increase the staggered order. When all the petals take their places, we attach the sepals. We are winding the stalk with threads. We attach a twig with leaves. The ends of the threads must be glued. How to weave a rose from beads. step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the weaving of the flower and the leaves of the rose in various techniques. Photo №8 How to weave a rose from beads. step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the weaving of the flower and the leaves of the rose in various techniques. Photo Number 9 Mulina green can be replaced with floral tape. Rose of beads in parallel technique. How to weave a rose from beads. step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the weaving of the flower and the leaves of the rose in various techniques. Picture №10 In order for a rose created in this wayweaving, it turned out neat, you need to stock up on quality beads. In addition to sustainable color, the calibration of beads will play an important role. The better the beads are matched to the size, the richer the rows and the whole craftsmanship in general. For parallel technology, the best option is Japanese or Czech beads. Materials and tools:

  • Beads 11/0 gold color for petals (approximately 100 g);
  • Beads 11/0 green for leaves and sepals (about 50 g);
  • Wire 0,3 mm;
  • A piece of wire 2 - 2.5 mm or a wooden skewer for the stem;
  • Tools for working with wire.

The essence of parallel technology is very simple. Beads run in rows one above the other, i.e. parallel. Wire tails intersect in all the beads of the series. Petals we will weave on lengths of wire of 60 cm in length. String 1 bead and move it to the center. Now we put two beads on one end, and the second end we pass through them towards the first wire tail. For the next row, we lower 4 beads. Next comes six, eight, ten, twelve and fourteen beads. In total, 8 rows are obtained in the petal. The ninth row we need to decorate the beautiful sides of the petal. To do this, for each wire tail thread on nine beads and pass the ends of the wire towards each other through the very first bead. We pull and tie them with a knot. There are five of these petals. How to weave a rose from beads. step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the weaving of the flower and the leaves of the rose in various techniques. Photo Number 11 The next four petals are a plait on one rowmore, i. will be 1-2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16. Only nine rows. The last tenth edging series will consist of ten beads on each wire tail. How to weave a rose from beads. step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the weaving of the flower and the leaves of the rose in various techniques. Photo number 12 Now, weave the leaves. The number of beads in the ranks will be 1-2-3-4-5-6-6-5-4-3-2. Only eleven rows. They do not make edging. Such leaflets will need 3 pieces. How to weave a rose from beads. step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the weaving of the flower and the leaves of the rose in various techniques. Photo №13 Sepals are plaited on a wire 30 cm long. It will be necessary to make 6 blanks according to the scheme of rows: 1-2-3-4-3-2. When all the constituent parts are ready, proceed to assembling the flower. For starters, smaller petals need to be bent. To do this, you can use a marker or a finger. We put a petal along the finger and press the edged edges from two sides. The petal, it turns out, is rolled around its axis (see photo). How to weave a rose from beads. step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the weaving of the flower and the leaves of the rose in various techniques. Photo Number 14 We connect two petals, inserting one into the other,as shown in the photo. We twist the wire ends. The rest of the petals are attached to the resulting core in a lap. Then attach the sepals. At this stage, you can strengthen the stem with a scoop or a piece of thick wire. To make it look neat, by a separate piece of a thin wire we wind the stem with coils, pushing them tightly together (it looks like a tight spring). At some distance from the beginning of the winding we attach the leaves. How to weave a rose from beads. step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the weaving of the flower and the leaves of the rose in various techniques. Photo number 15 The flower is ready. Rose from beads in lace technique How to weave a rose from beads. step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the weaving of the flower and the leaves of the rose in various techniques. Photo number 16 In this version of the work are obtained unusuallygraceful flowers. In this technique weaving patterns of flower details must be observed with maximum scrupulousness and rigor. And one more important point - the wire during the weaving should be free. It is impossible to tighten it, it can ruin an openwork craft. Materials and tools:

  • The beads are green for leaves and sepals (you can mix several shades);
  • Beads for petals of primary color and additional for edging;
  • Wire 0,3 mm;
  • A piece of thick wire for the stem 3 - 4 mm;
  • Floral ribbon or thread floss for winding.

We work on a piece of wire one meter long. We string 16 beads and place them in the middle. Now we twist from this low loop. Now for each of their wire ends thread on 8 beads and again twist. We need to make only five loops. Now for each end we string 16 beads and pass through the beads of the 4th loop. Now string 8 beads and go through the 4th bead of the 3rd loop, etc. In order to weave the row down, we dial 12 beads on the wire and pass the wire through the 4th bead loop below. Now do low out of 10 beads three times. For the last loop we string 14 beads and pass through the 8th bead of the nearest loop. Now string 8 beads and go to the 7th bead of the next loop. Further 12 beads and in the 5th, then 10 beads and again in the 5th. both halves of the petal are plated symmetrically. How to weave a rose from beads. step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the weaving of the flower and the leaves of the rose in various techniques. Photo number 17 When the petal is gossip, take a piece of wireapproximately 40 cm in length and pass through the central bead of the uppermost loop located in the middle. The wire is divided in half. We will thread on it 6 beads of a different color and thread the wire in the middle of the neighboring loops. The edging turns out to be contrast, and due to this the rose will look even more delicate. Such petals will need six pieces. How to weave a rose from beads. step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the weaving of the flower and the leaves of the rose in various techniques. Photo Number 18 Sepals. The plait of beads is green. On a piece of wire string 3 beads and shift to the center. We make a needle, i.e. pass one end of the wire in the first two beads. We need an additional piece of delay. It must be attached immediately under 3 beads (see photo). On the tails of this piece we string on twelve beads, and on those two wire ends that formed a needle, we put on eight pieces of beads. Twisting tails with 12 beads with an axis, on which strung 8 beads. Now, on each of the two ends of the extra wire we string 14 beads already. On the basis we string 12 beads and again twist all the wires together. Got figure figure eight. How to weave a rose from beads. step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the weaving of the flower and the leaves of the rose in various techniques. Photo Number 19 Now in the middle of this eight we haveone additional piece of wire. For each of her pony string on 21 beads. Twist the ends of the wire on the axis. We get arcs, as in the French weaving technique. Now we need to thread beads of this length on both tails so that 5 - 6 beads do not reach the end of the previous arc (see photo). We fix the wire on the arcs. Again string the beads and fix on the axis below. Seychels need to make five pieces. The sheets are plaited by the arc method, as in the master class above. You can use several shades of green beads. They will also need to weave 5 pieces. How to weave a rose from beads. step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the weaving of the flower and the leaves of the rose in various techniques. Photo number 20 We proceed to the final stage - the assembly. Take the first petal and fold it loose roll. This will be the heart of the rose. We attach it to a piece of thick wire with floral tape. The other lobes are lapped or staggered around the core. We use floral tape for this. Then we have five sepals. From leaflets we form two branches. She is from three and the second of two sheets. Also wrapped with tape and attached to the stem. The rose turns out very delicate and delicate.

