How to weave a small turtle from multicolored rubber bands? Step-by-step description of the stages of work and photos

How to weave a small turtle from multicolored rubber bands? Step-by-step description of the stages of work and photos

Not everyone can afford to have a homea real turtle. They require proper care, which sometimes we don't have time for. But we can knit a turtle, sew it, felt it or weave it from rubber bands! In this master class, we will weave a turtle from rubber bands.

Materials and tools

  • Rubbers of green, blue and red colors;
  • Hook;
  • 2 plugs:
  • Scotch.

Stages of work

First, let's prepare the forks.Of course, such a turtle can be woven on a special machine, but not everyone has one, so we will use improvised materials. We tape 2 identical forks to each other so that their prongs are directed in different directions. The tool is ready, we can start working. We will weave a red turtle, and the paws, head and tail will be green. You can take any color. We throw one green rubber band on 2 right prongs of the upper fork. We pull it back and throw it on the same prongs 3 more times. That is, we have four loops on two prongs. We also wind one green rubber band on 2 left prongs of the same fork four times.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo №1Next, we throw 3 green rubber bands onto the 2 right tines of both forks. And we throw 3 green rubber bands onto the 2 left tines of both forks.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo # 2We remove the lower rubber bands, which were wound four times from both the two right and two left teeth.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Picture №3Next we will take 2 rubber bands.In the same way, we throw 2 rubber bands on the 2 left teeth of the upper and lower forks, and on the 2 right teeth of both forks. We remove the 3 lower rubber bands from each pair of teeth on both forks.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo №4We will transfer the remaining rubber bands from one fork to one extreme tooth on the left and one extreme tooth on the right.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo №5On the other fork there are 2 rubber bandseach pair of outermost teeth. We transfer a pair of rubber bands from the two left ones to one outermost left tooth of the lower fork, and we transfer a pair of rubber bands from the two right teeth to one outermost tooth of the 2nd fork. That is, now there are 4 loops on each outermost tooth on the upper fork, and there are no rubber bands at all on the lower fork.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo №62 paws are ready, we stretch them out to the sides so thatthey did not interfere with us weaving the turtle itself. Again, as at the very beginning, we wind one green rubber band onto the 2 right teeth four times. We do the same with the two left ones.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo №7We throw a new layer. It is no different from the previous one. We throw a pair of green rubber bands on the pairs of tines of both forks.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo №8We throw off the four lower loops.We wound them on the teeth 4 times. We throw 2 rubber bands on the pairs of teeth of the upper and lower forks again. We remove the 2 lower rubber bands from both forks. We transfer the rubber bands from the lower fork to the pairs of teeth of the upper fork.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo Number 9There are no rubber bands on the lower fork again.The top one already has four paws woven. Let's make a tail for the turtle. To do this, throw one green rubber band over the 2 middle teeth of the top fork, twist it into a figure eight and throw the same rubber band over the 2 middle teeth of the bottom fork. Now pull the same twisted rubber band behind the bottom fork, twist it into a figure eight again, throw it over the 2 middle teeth of the bottom fork and stretch it over the 2 middle teeth of the top fork.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Picture №10We remove one lower rubber band from a pair of middle teeth on both forks. Next we will weave with red rubber bands. We wind one red rubber band on 2 middle teeth of the upper fork five times.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo Number 11Next, we throw 2 red rubber bands onto 2 medium ones.prongs of two forks. We throw 2 rubber bands on the 2 middle prongs of the upper fork and pull them to the far right prong of the lower fork. And we throw 2 more red rubber bands again on the 2 middle prongs of the upper fork and pull them to the first left prong of the lower fork.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo number 12Now we remove the five loops that we woundonly on the 2 middle teeth of the upper fork. Then we transfer the 2 upper loops to one left tooth of the upper fork and transfer the next 2 upper loops to one right tooth of the same fork.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo №13 Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo Number 14Let's remove the bottom elastic from both middle pairseach fork. Ours is green. Now we wind the red rubber band 2 times on the 3 right teeth of the upper fork. And we also wind another rubber band 2 times, but this time on the 3 left teeth of the upper fork.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo number 15Next, we throw 2 red rubber bands on the leftmost tine of the upper and lower forks. Another 2 on the 2 middle tines of both forks and another 2 on the rightmost tine of both forks.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo number 16 Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo number 17We remove the rubber bands that are put on the 3 teethleft and right. We also throw off all the lower loops. We need to leave 2 red and 2 green loops, which form 2 paws. That is, we throw one paw from the left and one from the right into the center.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo Number 18We remove the bottom layers from the lower fork.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo Number 19Next, wrap it again with one red rubber band.2 times 3 teeth on the left and one more 3 teeth on the right. Again, throw 2 red rubber bands on the pairs of both forks: on the extreme left, on the extreme right and on the pair of middle teeth of both forks. We throw them off as before. First 2 rubber bands, which were wound 2 times on 3 teeth on both sides of the upper fork. And the bottom layer of red rubber bands too. We leave the paws in place. We do not touch them for now. We also remove the bottom layer from the lower fork. We repeat the row. We remove all the lower layers, including the paws. We also remove the bottom layer from the lower fork. We have 2 loops on each of the teeth. 2 on the extreme and 2 on the two middle ones. And the same on the lower fork. We transfer all the rubber bands to the 2 middle teeth. We do this on both forks.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo number 20 Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo Number 21We will weave a neck for the turtle. We will weave it from green rubber bands. We throw 2 green rubber bands on 2 middle tines of both forks. We remove all red rubber bands from both forks.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo Number 22It remains to make the head. We throw 2 green rubber bands on the right middle tooth and 2 on the left middle tooth of the upper fork.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo # 23Remove 2 rubber bands from the bottom layer of each fork. Stretch the rubber bands over 2 left and 2 right teeth of the top fork. Do the same on the bottom one.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo # 24Now with one green rubber bandwrap all 4 teeth of the upper fork 3 times. Let's make eyes. Wrap one blue rubber band 3 times on 2 right teeth of the upper fork and another blue rubber band on 2 left teeth of the upper fork. Throw 2 green rubber bands on 2 right teeth of the upper fork and pull them on 2 right teeth of the lower fork. And throw 2 more green rubber bands on 2 left teeth of the upper fork and pull them on 2 left teeth of the lower fork.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo №25We remove the blue rubber bands and all the lower green ones, leaving only the top two. We also remove the bottom layer on the lower fork.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo №26Now we transfer all the rubber bands on the upper fork to the 2 middle teeth. On the lower fork, we also transfer all the rubber bands to the 2 middle teeth.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo №27Next, we throw on 1 green rubber bandon the 2 middle teeth of both forks. Remove all the lower rubber bands, leaving only one rubber band, which was just thrown on. The same with the lower fork. Transfer the loops from the forks to the hook. Remove the fork. We have 2 loops on the hook. Pass the first through the second. You get a knot, carefully tighten it. Hide the loop in the turtle's neck. What a cute turtle you get! It can be used as a keychain or decoration for your desktop.Photo to the lesson on the weaving of a turtle made of rubber. Photo №28

