Weaving a beautiful basket of newspaper tubes, a master class for beginners with a step-by-step photo

Weaving a beautiful basket of newspaper tubes, a master class for beginners with a step-by-step photo

A basket of newspapers. Photo №1 Wicker goods are unusually beautiful - not without reasoneven in the era of the standard way of life of the USSR weaving baskets and similar things have not lost their popularity. Traditionally, the weaving was used for weaving, but this process implies not only possession of the weaving technique, but also the availability of a vine, so not everyone is available. But the recently popular weaving from newspaper tubes is available to everyone, and it looks great not only the vase or basket of newspaper tubes, but also more "solid" things - chests, laundry baskets and stuff. In order to weave a medium-sized basket, you need 32 newspaper tubes, glued together on two wide ends. The resulting 16 long tubes are divided into 4 parts and have as follows: A basket of newspapers. Photo # 2 Two parts are placed parallel to each other; Bycenter, two other parts are perpendicular. In this case, one vertical strip consisting of 4 tubes passes first under one horizontal strip, and then over another horizontal strip. The second vertical strip is first located above the horizontal, and then passes under the second horizontal strip. This is the future of the bottom of our basket. A basket of newspapers. Picture №3 A basket of newspapers. Photo №4 When the bottom of our basket is the same size as the bottom of the pre-prepared form, we put the shape on top of the bottom of the future basket and we braid the bottom, setting one tube for the other. A basket of newspapers. Photo №5 Throwing a basket of newspaper tubes with a "string" (intertwined with cross-section fibers, longitudinal rails are braided). A basket of newspapers. Photo №6 Weaving three rows of "string" in two straws. In order to make the bottom more textured and even, we can use the "herringbone" weaving. In this weaving, two "ropes" are woven together in opposite directions. A basket of newspapers. Photo №7 Two rows of weaving "herringbone" in two straws. A basket of newspapers. Photo №8 The first row of walls is padded with a "string" of 3 or 4 tubes, after which several more rows are padded with a "string". A basket of newspapers. Photo Number 9 A basket of newspapers. Picture №10 A basket of newspapers. Photo Number 11 A basket of newspapers. Photo number 12 Now we fix the working tubes, and cut off the extra tips. A basket of newspapers. Photo №13 We add to each tubule the bases of two moretubules (for beginners it is advisable to try a simpler weaving in one tube). Add tubing can be in several ways: using a knitting needle to twist the weaving behind each tube, and for a couple of rows into the interior insert additional tubules; Using a hot gun, glue the tubes behind (do not forget about safety!). Important nuance: if we weave a basket of newspaper tubes that are not painted, insert the tubes preferably, tilting them toward the future weaving. With painted and slightly moist tubules, this is not necessary. A basket of newspapers. Photo Number 14 A basket of newspapers. Photo number 15 Now we need to take two workerstubules, and wind them over the right tube of the base, and then pass behind behind the next tube of the base and bring it out. The next pair of tubes is taken by the one that is located to the left of the weaving. Moving in a circle, we do the same with all the working tubes. A basket of newspapers. Photo number 16 At the end of the weaving, the ends of the working tubes can behide them by gluing them to the backs of the base, or weaving a pair of rows with a "string", while weaving both the base tubes and the unnecessary ends of the layer-by-layer weaving. Then the extra tips are simply cut off. A basket of newspapers. Photo number 17 For basket handles depending on the requiredthickness and strength is taken several tubes, which are fixed to the walls by threading the ends of the tubes through the weave several rows down. The extra tips are attached to the handle with a thread. Now take the pre-flattened tube, and wrap the handle. Superfluous ends glued PVA and fix clothespins. A basket of newspapers. Photo Number 18 It remains to paint the basket in any dark color. After the paint dries, you need to take a light paint (preferably using acrylic or construction), moisten the sponge in it, wring out and go over the weave. A basket of newspapers. Photo Number 19 When the basket dries, primetute it with PVA diluted with water. A basket of newspapers. Photo number 20 Basket of newspaper tubes is ready, leftonly to cover it with varnish (it is recommended to use an acrylic varnish). Thanks to weaving from newspaper tubes you can make not only a basket, but also other original beautiful products, pleasing to the eye and being an excellent gift. A basket of newspapers. Photo Number 21

