Weaving the original basket of pine needles with explanations and phased photos.

Weaving the original basket of pine needles with explanations and phased photos.

Ecological materials, with their diversity,are so accessible that the idea always arises to create something useful and beautiful at the same time. You can make practical elements for home decoration from anything. Items made from eco-materials will always be relevant and can decorate any interior. Everyone without exception knows about the various properties of pine. It feeds and clothes, and what can we say about its healing properties. Everything is used: roots, cones, branches, needles, buds. It would seem that a person uses everything that is possible for his own benefit. But no. This article will discuss the use of pine needles in weaving all kinds of decorative elements. And we will dwell in more detail on such wonderful baskets.Weaving of the original basket of pine needles with explanations and phased photos .. Photo # 1 Weaving of the original basket of pine needles with explanations and phased photos .. Photo # 2 Weaving of the original basket of pine needles with explanations and phased photos .. Photo # 3It may be hard to imagine, butThey are made from coniferous tree needles. This technique of weaving objects is quite ancient, as it was used more than 9 thousand years ago. Since ancient times, people have woven vessels by combining coniferous needles and roots of various plants. Such weavings were so strong that they even carried water in them. Now the manufacture of various objects from coniferous needles, like everything related to eco-design, is coming into fashion again. And to work on weaving such a basket, you need to prepare dry and fresh pine needles, strong thread, a needle and scissors. Instead of coniferous needles, you can also prepare any other flexible ecological material. Here everything will depend on your imagination. The main thing is to grasp the very essence of this weaving technique. Let's start making For work, it is better to choose longer needles. They can be found on cedar and pine trees. When the needles are collected, start preparing them. If we talk about fresh needles, then they do not need any special preparation. Such needles are quite elastic and come off without scales-"caps". You just need to place them in one direction. But with dry needles you need to work. Sort them out, leaving only whole ones. Then place the dry needles in a bowl of hot water for 10 minutes. This procedure will make them softer and more elastic. In addition to everything, it will be washed from dust and dirt. So that the needles do not lose their softness throughout the work, they can be soaked in separate portions. Next, you need to lay the needles on a paper towel or something similar and separate the "caps"-scales so that they do not spoil the final appearance of the product. Using tweezers or tongs will help make this procedure more convenient.Weaving of the original basket of pine needles with explanations and phased photos .. Photo # 4 Weave the original basket of pine needles with explanations and phased photos .. Photo # 5Now start making the basket itself with itsfoundation. It will be in the center of the bottom. Choose a bunch of needles up to 1 cm in diameter and secure it by tying a knot of threads. Wrap the thread in a spiral. Having reached one third of the length of our bunch, bend it and twist the needles into a kind of "snail". It needs to be made quite tight.Weaving of the original basket of pine needles with explanations and phased photos .. Photo №6 Weaving of the original basket of pine needles with explanations and phased photos .. Photo # 7Then gradually add new needles.Make sure that the tourniquet is always the same diameter. Wind it to the "snail" as well. Go through one full circle. Sew the "snail", tightly winding the needles of the last circle as shown in the diagram. Do similar operations with the remaining circles.Weaving of the original basket of pine needles with explanations and phased photos .. Photo # 8The general appearance of the bottom of the future basket will be completelydepend on the shape of the bundle. It can be either round or oval. When making the base of the basket for the first time, use dry needles, since fresh ones are more elastic and more force will be required to roll the "snail". Continue making similar circles. Attach only the completed rows of needles to the previous ones, wrapping them as you did with the first one. To make the bottom look more aesthetically pleasing, the needle should capture about a third of the already completed row.Weaving of the original basket of pine needles with explanations and phased photos .. Photo # 9 Weaving of the original basket of pine needles with explanations and phased photos .. Photo # 10Take the thread as long as possible, but so that youwas convenient to work with. When it is finished, take a new thread and attach it to the end of the remaining one. You need to make a couple of knots, cut the ends and hide them among the needles.Weaving of the original basket of pine needles with explanations and phased photos .. Photo №11When the base of the basket is large enough, you can adjust the shape of the “snail” and cover it with more beautiful stitches.Weaving of the original basket of pine needles with explanations and phased photos .. Photo # 12Choose the base diameter yourself.It will depend, naturally, on how big a basket you want to make. After you have reached the required size, move on to working with the wall. Everything is very simple here. The next row of needles needs to be lifted up a little. In this way, the work will simultaneously occur in a circle and with each subsequent one will gradually rise.Weaving of the original basket of pine needles with explanations and phased photos .. Photo №13After you have done 3-4 circles upwards,You can also add fresh pine needles. Until the pine needles dry out, their green color will give your product not only elegance and special originality, but also a pleasant aroma.Weaving of the original basket of pine needles with explanations and phased photos .. Photo # 14Alternate dry needles with fresh ones, changing them after the same number of circles.Weaving of the original basket of pine needles with explanations and phased photos .. Photo №15To make the finished basket into a bowl shape, each subsequent circle should be made a little further from the center. This way the diameter will constantly increase.Weaving of the original basket of pine needles with explanations and phased photos .. Photo # 16When you reach the height of the product you need, stop adding needles and close the ends of the needles with regular stitches. The thread should be brought inside the product, cut and hidden.Weaving of the original basket of pine needles with explanations and phased photos .. Photo №17You can also easily modify it a littleready basket, using all sorts of decorative stitches. For its decoration you can use various beads, nuts. Finally, the needles can be painted in any color.Weaving of the original basket of pine needles with explanations and phased photos .. Photo №18 Weaving of the original basket of pine needles with explanations and phased photos .. Photo №19

