Wooden shelves in the form of aircraft with their own hands

Wooden shelves in the form of aircraft with their own hands

We have already considered a variety of shelves onA wall that you can make by yourself. This time, let's talk about an even more interesting and original idea. These are wooden shelves made in the form of aircraft. Wooden shelves in the form of aircraft They can be used in the children's room and in various children's institutions (kindergartens, schools, all kinds of circles, etc.). Wooden shelves in the form of aircraft Wooden shelves in the form of aircraft But not only. Shelves in the form of aircraft will look great in any room, the main thing is to make them neat. Wooden shelves in the form of aircraft There are very, very many manufacturing options. The basis is, as a rule, two boards connected by metal tubes or pins. Wooden shelves in the form of aircraft The hull of the aircraft can be taken from the finished toy, or you can make it yourself. Wooden shelves in the form of aircraft The screw is bent from a thin metal orvystrugivaetsya of the plaque. For children, the option with a wooden screw is better, since a metal child can get injured. Although you can blunt the edges so they can not cut. Wooden shelves in the form of aircraft To paint a shelf in the form of an airplane is enoughcomplicated. If you do not know how to draw, then this process can be completely impossible for you. But in principle, the airplane can be left uncoated, and under normal ventilation conditions, wood will not quickly deteriorate. The main thing to polish the surface, so that there are no unevennesses and splinters. Wooden shelves in the form of aircraft A shelf in the form of an airplane can be made larger. Wooden shelves in the form of aircraft But the larger the model, the stronger it will be seen inaccuracies in manufacturing. And the cost will be rather big.

