Wooden toys with their own hands, dolls of wood, master classes / Toys with their hands, patterns, video, MK

Wooden toys with their own hands, dolls of wood, master classes / Toys with their hands, patterns, video, MK

Long ago, when there was no plastic, andInstead of glass, bullish bubbles were pulled into the window apertures, little girls, just like now, played daughters-mothers, and boys in warriors and hunters. In each family there must have been a Lefty, who made not only rallies and wheels for carts, but also funny toys for his children in moments of leisure. The most accessible materials then were clay and wood, so most often from the hands of the craftsman there were children's clay whistles and wooden nesting dolls. Not always dolls made of wood had legs and hands. Often, the manufacture of hand-made articles ended with the designation of eyes and mouth, the rest was added by children's imagination. But sometimes a loving father made such crafts or mechanical masterpieces that were passed on from generation to generation. For example, a wooden rocking chair in the form of Sivka-burka was almost every kid.

Rocking horse

In order to start making this toy, you will need:

  • board thickness of about 20-30 mm or furniture board;
  • cutting from a rake;
  • wooden pins;
  • wood screws;
  • a jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • glue.

The order of performance of works Horse-rocking-5 Horse-rocking-6 Horse-rocking-7

  • Transfer the drawing from the paper to the board.
  • Cut out all parts with a jig saw on the contours and drill holes for the cuttings and pins.
  • Insert the pins into the holes by gluing them with glue. Assemble the seat and hind legs.
  • After drying, continue the assembly.
  • Treat all sharp edges and roughness. Draw a muzzle. A horse for a small rider is ready.
  • Horse-rocking-8


    If he wants to play a knight orepic hero, surely useful are such wooden armor, sword and ax. They are cut from a single piece of wood, polished and covered with metallic paint. With such weapons, you can even arrange children's New Year's performances. Weapons


    The very first toy after a rattle is,of course, cubes. In the world of synthetics and plastics, touching natural materials is so pleasant. To make wooden cubes for a baby, it is not necessary to have the skills of a carver. The only indispensable condition - careful surface treatment, cutting of sharp corners and edges. Such cubes should not be covered with varnish or paint, because the baby will definitely try them on the tooth. Put a gift under the tree, and all New Year's holidays your child will be occupied with an exciting game. Cubes

    Bogoroditskaya toy

    Homegrown kulibins were not limited towhistles and horses. Mobile "live" crafts, which are several hundred years old, can be seen today in the museum "Bogoroditskaya toy". Not knowing the laws of mechanics, it was purely by inspiration and, thanks to their own ingenuity, they created masters of these chickens, pecking grain, hares playing accordion and blacksmith bears. Bogoroditskaya toyWooden figurines were cut from a linden, sawnfor 3-5 years before. To work in the village Bogoroditskom made special knives. Today's technology development allows anyone to make original Christmas gifts under the tree for their children. Start making crafts from the drawings. You can greatly simplify the design, depriving it of three-dimensionality, and instead of linden to use plywood. The most difficult thing in the assembly is to determine the place where the legs and paws are fastened so that when the planks are moved the bear and blacksmith hit hammers on the anvil. This is done by experience. But if the wooden mechanical constructions could be made by our ancestors, then, probably, modern popes can do this. Bogoroditskaya toy-2

    New Year's snowflakes on the Christmas tree

    New Year's snowflakes New Year's snowflakes-2For any kid, the most memorable moments of a holiday are the making of toys on the Christmas tree with their own hands. It is very easy to make wooden New Year snowflakes on a Christmas tree from old clothespins. For this:

    • take the two halves out of the spring. Unfold the underside and glue with smooth "backs" of 8 pairs.
    • fold a cross from the four glued halves and glue it in the center.
    • attach 4 more turned-out clothespins, pasting them at the base.
    • New Year's snowflakes on the Christmas tree should be beautiful. Glue on both sides circles of colored paper or cardboard, sprinkle with tinsel;
    • do not forget to tie a string to New Year's toys, so it was more convenient to hang them on the tree.

