Children's cap. Works by Irina

Children's cap. Works by Irina

A baby cap with tie. The product is knitted from children's yarn crocheted. Description of the cap: 1 row - 16 stitches are fastened to the ring with one crochet. 2 row - 2 stitches are crocheted in each loop with one crochet. (32 columns) 3rd row - We alternate the sn (column with the crochet) and the increase (2 sn in one loop) 4th row - We alternate 2 s and 1 increase. If necessary, refer to the diagram in the figure. And so we continue to knit the number of rows we need, depending on the size, increasing 1 s in each following row between the increments. When you tied the right top, begin knitting just plain without adding. Thus, our product begins to wrap up and take the desired shape. So we knit the required number of rows. Then close the last loop. Cut the thread. If necessary, you can knit the strings on the sides of the cap. Knitting Pattern: Author of work Wait, download ...

