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Category:Cross-stitch icons

Cross-stitch icons

The scheme of embroidery of icons of the Savior and the Holy Blessed Matron with a cross, a detailed master class with a diagram and a photo for beginners.

The scheme of embroidery of icons of the Savior and the Holy Blessed Matron with a cross, a detailed master class with a diagram and a photo for beginners.

It is necessary to prepare for icon embroidery differently,than to any other kind of needlework. Bright thoughts and a positive attitude, prayer and faith will help you to cross-stitch an icon, which in the future will become a real powerful talisman for you and your family for life. We offer you a master class on cross-stitching icons of our Lord Jesus Christ and Blessed Matrona with diagrams and descriptions. To embroider the first of these icons, you need to stock up in advance: Aida canvas number eighteen (seventy-two cells per ten centimeters); a machine for…

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Scheme of embroidery of the icon of St. Panteleimon the Healer by the cross, detailed master-class with a diagram and a photo for beginners.

Scheme of embroidery of the icon of St. Panteleimon the Healer by the cross, detailed master-class with a diagram and a photo for beginners.

There is a special feature in numerous sections of handicraftsthe theme is icon embroidery. It should be said that cross-stitch or bead embroidery of icons is an ancient type of needlework, which was widespread in the times of Kievan Rus. It was customary to dress icons in rich frames, decorated with precious stones, beads. Before you start cross-stitching an icon, you need to think carefully: how ready are you for this type of work? In this article, we will tell you in detail what every needlewoman should know before starting to embroider an icon, and also describe in detail the process…

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