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Category: Origami flowers from paper

Origami flowers from paper

To teach the ancient technique of origami on the example of making a simple origami tulip from paper

To teach the ancient technique of origami on the example of making a simple origami tulip from paper

Simple origami tulip from paper practicallyeveryone did at least once in his life in the school years, when they made gifts for moms for the holidays. But, even if you do not have experience in creating such crafts, you can easily learn and teach your children. Origami - a kind of needlework, known for a long time and attracting a lot of attention. Such popularity is understandable. After all, having mastered this technique, one can make not only a flower or a figure of an animal, a bird, from an ordinary paper sheet, but ...

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Ideas for origami flowers from paper. Photos of interesting works.

Ideas for origami flowers from paper. Photos of interesting works.

The nature of the flower has always been able to impress thepublic. That is why, creating an origami flower - has become such a popular idea and is widely trained with the help of masters around the world. Imagine this opportunity, when you can make a flower for your lady of your own, or simply show your friends the mastery of technique using one of the modern ideas for creation. There are a variety of ideas that you can use to decorate an origami flower with your own hands. So, the flowers created in the origami style, always differed in that they had a special meaning within themselves ....

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You can easily make sakura flowers in origami technique using diagrams and descriptions

You can easily make sakura flowers in origami technique using diagrams and descriptions

Sakura flowers in origami technique to make absolutelynot difficult. It is enough to simply use the description of the work and step-by-step material in the form of photographs. To perform this kind of jewelry or crafts do not need a lot of time. It will take only your desire and the most ordinary materials, the main one of which is ordinary colored paper. In the technique of origami, you can do absolutely any work without exception. It can be a bird, an animal, a person, a vehicle, a building or a flower. Especially interesting for origamists, and experienced, and beginners are flowering plants. From paper…

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