Crafts with a child on the theme of "sea".
Today my child and I are exploring the underwater world and itsinhabitants! We decided to make appliques - cardboard fish on a stand, decorating them with corrugated multi-colored paper. We needed: Cardboard Corrugated or shiny paper Ice cream sticks (can be replaced with any others you have at home) Plasticine Plastic bottle caps Glue Scissors Pencil Paints, brushes 1. Let's draw and cut out several fish:2. Then we cut out tails, fins, and scales for the fish from corrugated paper.3. Next, thoroughly coat the cut out fish with glue:4. Glue the prepared pieces of corrugated paper onto the fish.5. You get these wonderful colored fish:We glued colored shiny paper onto the other fish:6. Let's coat the wooden stick with glue:7. Glue the stick to the back of the finished fish and wait until everything is glued properly and the glue dries.8. Place a piece of plasticine in the lid and insert a stick with a fish into it. Our fish are ready. But we didn't stop there and decided to make a sea poster! We cut out different sea animals, colored them and glued them to the sea drawn on the poster.This is the poster we got on the theme of "sea". The child really liked the poster, and we hung it on our son's wall)