Dress the crochet. The work of Mary

Dress the crochet. The work of Mary

Another dress using the motives of LubovZaitsevoy. from my favorite yarn Alliance 65% linen, 35% bamboo, color ecru. It is also related to Marina's cousin. The size is 48-50. Hook clover 1,75; 2.0; 2.25; 2.5. As already written, I took motifs from the famous dress of color melted milk Lyubov Zaitseva. Since the knitter I'm not quite experienced, I could not repeat her masterpiece. Therefore, I went along the path of adjusting her motives to what I needed for knitting a dress. First, you need the size of the dress. Then I was determined how the motives in the dress would be arranged. Determined in which part of the dress what size of the motif I need to relate. In this case, I supplemented the motives with additional rows, columns and air loops. While building the dress, I associated some of the motives in the process of knitting, part sewn. The motif with three petals knits each separately (turning rows). Knitting Patterns: Author of work Wait, download ...

