In the wedding ceremony and at the wedding feast, the bride's hair and her veil play no less important role than the whole wedding attire as a whole.
Tips and advice for women who cannotdecide on a hairstyle before the wedding Since ancient times, there has been an opinion among people that a veil in a bride's wedding dress is not only an element of a festive outfit or an addition to the image of the newlywed. It is believed that such an accessory has a protective effect against ill-disposed people, as well as evil spirits that can harm the future married couple. In general, a veil is a kind of amulet for the bride, at the same time symbolizing a happy entry into a new family life.
Choose a wedding hairstyle
Be that as it may, but in addition to the choicewedding dress, any woman who gets married will have to face the need to create her own hairstyle. It is clear that the vast majority of the fair sex dream of seeing themselves on this day as irresistible and, moreover, the best of all. That is why the choice of hairstyle is of great importance for any bride, no matter at what age she gets married and what social status she occupies.There are several rules that should be followedto start with when choosing hairstyles in any life situations. Any styling, haircut or hairstyle must necessarily match the type of a woman's face, because without this, even the most fashionable and stylish hairstyle will hardly look advantageous. And if we are talking about choosing a hairstyle for such an important day as a wedding, then here you should be even more picky and scrupulous, since your hairstyle should be in harmony with your entire image as a whole. If you are the owner of long hair, then, in principle, you can consider yourself lucky. Wedding hairstyles for long hair have so many techniques and variations of execution that it is simply impossible to describe. But, first of all, think about how this or that styling will be combined with your face type. And if you prefer a hairstyle with a veil for long hair, adhere to the following recommendations: - with an oval face shape, in principle, you can choose different types of wedding hairstyles; - with a round face type, it is desirable to visually stretch it (in such cases, it is recommended to slightly lift the hair on the crown and upper part of the head, and then evenly distribute it falling downwards); - if a woman's face is somewhat elongated, it is better to choose lush styling, perhaps with a large number of curls or voluminous curls; - with a pear-shaped face, it is preferable to mask the flaws with the help of elongated curls; - for girls with a slightly wide and high forehead, it is desirable to use bangs, and wavy strands will also look good (in this case, it is additionally recommended to use fairly massive jewelry on the neck, distracting the eye from the disproportion). A short veil in the bride's wedding dress The veil and wedding hairstyle for long hair are chosen by the bride at her own discretion. Often, such an accessory as a veil comes in the same set with a wedding dress. Such a characteristic as the length of the veil is of great importance when choosing a hairstyle for a wedding. It certainly depends on the style of the dress itself and should match the hairstyle the bride wants to see on her hair. Young girls with a graceful figure should preferably choose a short veil for their hairstyles. A short veil means a product no longer than the woman's elbows. Next, do not lose sight of how the veil will be attached to the hairstyle. Usually, such rather bulky accessories are fixed on the head with hairpins, hairpins or a comb. The advantage of a short veil in this sense is that it is very comfortable. Its weight, due to its small size, will not weigh down the hairstyle too much, and its short length will not hinder your movements.
The most common hairstyle for a wedding isA short veil is a ponytail with curled locks. Any woman can create such a hairstyle with her own hands at home. To do this, you will need to thoroughly wash your hair, dry it and apply foam or mousse along the entire length of the strands. Select a square-shaped section of hair approximately in the crown area, tie it into a ponytail, securing it with an elastic band. Then divide the created ponytail into three equal parts. One of the strands should be twisted into a tourniquet and fluffed up a little with just your hands. The end of the tourniquet is also secured with an elastic band. The elastic bands should be the thinnest so that they are least noticeable on the head. The resulting tourniquet is raised to the top and secured with an invisible pin. After that, also twist the two remaining strands into tourniquets and lay them out beautifully on the head. The same hair that remains hanging near the face can be divided using, for example, a zigzag parting. Curl the same part of the hair that remains untouched with a curling iron. The curls that remain near the face can be curled at your discretion. Naturally, at the end you need to spray the entire hairstyle with hairspray. The veil is fixed at the place where the strands were laid.
Alternatively, you can attach a short veil tobraid. There are a huge number of variations of braiding for long hair. In the following images, see how you can play with types of braids in combination with different types of small wedding veils.
Long veil in the bride's hairstyle If you wantto be the most incredible, the most desirable bride with a certain amount of mystery in your image, choose a long veil for your festive outfit. Although you may feel some inconvenience with such an accessory (it is not every day that you have to wear a long veil!), however, on the most important day of your life, it is a long beautiful veil that can become the main element of your image, which will win the heart of your chosen one forever. An elongated veil is a very romantic accessory, undoubtedly having an advantage over short similar jewelry, since the image of such a bride will definitely be unforgettable. Having made your choice in favor of a long veil, think about the correct selection of a wedding hairstyle. Here, the decisive role will probably be played by the weight of the veil, which should not “pull” the hairstyle back. There are several types of basic hairstyles that can hold a rather massive veil without much effort. Among them: - shell; - bow; – bun; – babette. As for the hair that will be at the back of the head, it can be made either smooth or voluminous. By and large, a long accessory in the form of a veil will hide them.
It should be noted that when using a longveils look very beautiful all kinds of weaving, a large number of braids. If such a style is combined with the expected image of the bride, then these are the wedding hairstyles for long hair with a veil that will be very appropriate and charming. Do not forget that if you use a long veil at the wedding ceremony, you will still have to take it off during the wedding event. Therefore, your styling under the veil should be perfect in any case. A win-win option in this case will be the so-called "French" braid. Look at the following pictures to see how you can do such amazingly charming weaving.
What's amazing is that in order to create for yourselfweaving in the form of a French braid, it is not at all necessary to contact specialists from beauty salons. With a little practice, such weaving can be done with your own hands. Combing the entire shock of hair back, select a fairly wide strand from the very base of the hair. This strand at the next stage must be divided into three equal parts. Start weaving a regular braid, placing strands underneath. Then, separating strands again on the sides of the head, place them in the weaving. Thus, you will get an interesting openwork braid that will look very beautiful under a veil and without it. Interestingly, this weaving suits almost all girls who wear long hair. In the photo instructions provided, you can see how you can make a "French" braid yourself. Wedding hairstyles in combination with a multi-tiered veil Wedding veil - This product is very light, sometimes almost "weightless", however, modern accessories in the form of a veil can be quite complex and have not one tier, but two or even more. If you choose a laconic single-tier veil for your wedding dress, then it is better to use it with a simple hairstyle, for example, in a retro style. On the other hand, you can use a smooth high styling. In the case of using a two-tier veil, it is appropriate to make lush curls that can be elegantly picked up at the back of the head. If you want to use a high styling, then such an accessory should be attached to the hairstyle from behind, directly behind the hairstyle.
Nowadays it is quite popular inIn combination with a two-tiered veil, a bun hairstyle is considered to be created using a roller. To do this, the hair must be divided by a parting from one ear to the other into two equal parts. In this case, the hair is collected in a tight ponytail in the back of the head. The tail must be combed with a comb towards the face. And in order for the strands to not fall apart, fix them with invisible pins. Take a roller and put it on the tail from above. In this case, it must be fixed tightly enough with hairpins. The strands from the tail are moved to the roller and distributed over it. The ends of the hair at the back are fixed with invisible pins. After this, the hair above the roller must be distributed to the side so that they cover the device. The strands of hair that remain on the front of the head on the right and left sides are carefully laid, hiding their ends under the roller. At the very end of the hairstyle, the veil is attached directly under the roller. As for its tiers, one of them will lie back of the hairstyle, going down the shoulders and neck, while the second tier will be thrown back in the opposite direction, that is, forward. Sometimes such tiers of the veil can cover the bride's face. In a situation where the bride chooses a multi-tiered veil, the choice of hairstyle becomes somewhat more complicated. It can only be definitely noted that hairstyles in the now fashionable "Greek" style are perfect for such an accessory. All sorts of fantasy extraordinary styling, elements of weaving with the use of fresh flowers, rhinestones, pearl threads, crystals and the like will look advantageous. At the same time, it is better to fix the veil itself approximately in the center of the head, so that the accessory itself does not become just an addition. It is also a good idea to use various tiaras, hoops, wreaths. Sometimes, by correctly selecting different jewelry and a suitable veil, you can create a truly unique perfect image.
Bandana veil or veil in wedding hairstylesNot all modern brides prefer classic wedding accessory options. In this case, fashion trends suggest using a veil in the form of a veil or even a bandana. With the help of such fashionable and stylish accessories, your wedding look will not only be stylish, but also bright, impressive and very worthy. Wedding veils are small elegant hats with an addition in the form of transparent nets. But such hats have a characteristic feature: they fit quite tightly to the head. This means that the choice of hairstyles in this case will be somewhat limited. For example, voluminous curls or a large number of braids with a veil will not look very good. Smooth styling, asymmetrical ponytails, as well as many variations of retro hairstyles, for example, the "Cold Wave" styling, look original under the veil.
As for the bandana veil, these are:The decorations look pretty cute, but when using such an accessory, you should understand that the hairstyle under the bandana should be absolutely smooth and, by and large, unremarkable. It can be a simple ponytail tied at the back of the head. Here, the main element of the hairstyle will be the veil-bandana itself.
In general, the choice always remains with the bride.Today's fashion world offers an absolutely amazing number of original solutions for using a veil in hairstyles for long hair. The only thing you should not forget is the harmonious combination of all the elements in one wedding image. Read our articles, follow our recommendations, and your image will be beautiful, spectacular and unique.