BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles.

BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles.

See the selection of the most brilliant, in my opinion, applications of plastic bottles. Ideas - what can be done from this unique miracle material for children, for home, for cottages.

I'll start with home useful inventions, trinkets, bottles made by myself:

Not very, I will say frankly, pretty, but to do it - super budgetary - pendant stand for cutlery:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? Hanging Gardens of Babylon:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? The usual such fence: BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? But this is, in my opinion, worth praise - a very beautiful lake:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? Mobiles, pendants, as well as lampshades and lampshades for lamps and home-made chandeliers for home and dachas:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles (48) BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles (1) At first glance, you can not say that these plafonds are homemade:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? Plastic palms from bottles, in our village such a dime a dozen:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? If you moved to live in Asia (Africa), or simplydo not want more standard Christmas trees for the New Year, then this option is for you - you can make a tree of cardboard, and decorations for it - from the bottoms of plastic bottles:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? As an option, a mini-tree:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? There is not enough bright sun, we will make sunflowers from bottles, a whole clearing:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? This "lamp" with their own hands, it probably saw all the Internet (though it has a minus - if it's dark outside, it does not shine):BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? Stand for newspapers, magazines, books, recipes - in my opinion, very cute:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles (47) BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles?BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles (52) If you cut out a figure or a small animal from a bottle, decorate it unusually, the stand or vase will be very original and stylish:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles (45)Flowers from plastic bottles decorate your house and garden:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? And in this creation the caps from plastic bottles are used, see how someone fairly tried to make such a work of art:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles?BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? A bright chair, I wonder if it is convenient to sit on it?BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles (56) Too work is not out of the ordinary, a needle from bottles:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? Lovely stand with your own hands for delicacies for children's holiday:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles?

From plastic bottles it is possible to make children different toys and games:

Bowling, see how to make children bowling their own hands:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? Set for sandbox for every taste:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? Feel like a rocket:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? Monsters and super heroes for children from plastic bottles:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? Santa Claus, almost like a real one. Such crafts can be used for a gift to a child for the New Year, put sweets in it:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? You can make these wonderful elephants for children:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? Crocodile:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? Aircraft with their own hands:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? Machine:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? Houses for your favorite children's toys:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? A toy octopus made by own hands from a bottle:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? Bright and colorful turkey:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? Eyelid fisheye:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? Shark:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles? Insect:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles (55) You can even make a pencil case for the school:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles (57) BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles (51) Or a piggy bank in the form of a rocket or queen:BEST IDEAS. What can be done from plastic bottles?

