Forest beauty from candy wrappers - hand-made articles and homemade articles

Forest beauty from candy wrappers - hand-made articles and homemade articles

When children learn to create something with their own hands -need material. Not always it can be found that color and quality. I decided to use candy wrappers. They are made of foil - very beautiful material, most pliable, you can - cut glue, fold, crumple, tear simply with your hands. They have a glossy layer that repels moisture and possesses a strengthening property, and it is easy to take care of such handicrafts. How to make a snake or a lizard from bright wrappers. Photo №1 How to make a snake or a lizard from bright wrappers. Photo # 2 Materials and tools: candlesticks, scissors, safety pins, needle, sewing machine, fabrics (slices), plastic bottle, thread, needle, paper, soap or tailor chalk For work it is necessary: ​​1. Prepare candy wrappers in color, size. 2. Spread the wrappers with your hands, or use an iron and cloth How to make a snake or a lizard from bright wrappers. Picture №33. Cut into size, with size determined by yourself (depends on what kind of crafts you sew) How to make a snake or a lizard from bright wrappers. Photo №4 How to make a snake or a lizard from bright wrappers. Photo №5 How to make a snake or a lizard from bright wrappers. Photo №6 How to make a snake or a lizard from bright wrappers. Photo №7 4. Add the modules from the cut pieces How to make a snake or a lizard from bright wrappers. Photo №8 5. Modules pinned with a safety pin on the needle bed so that they do not disintegrate. 6. Modules need to do a lot How to make a snake or a lizard from bright wrappers. Photo Number 97. We will execute patterns from a paper for manufacturing of the Forest beauty How to make a snake or a lizard from bright wrappers. Picture №10 How to make a snake or a lizard from bright wrappers. Photo Number 11 8. To make the head and tummy it is better to use fabrics with glitter or reflux. 9. We cut the details taking into account the allowances for the seams, except for the details of the application (the details of the lips, eye-eyes are not needed) 10. The details of the head are grinded, twisted and stuffed with sintepon How to make a snake or a lizard from bright wrappers. Photo number 1211. Lips attach with a stitched seam How to make a snake or a lizard from bright wrappers. Photo №7 How to make a snake or a lizard from bright wrappers. Photo Number 14 12. Eyes: we cut out a circle from the fabric d-5-6 cm, collect along the edge, fill it with sintepon, attach the rest of the details with a stitch seam How to make a snake or a lizard from bright wrappers. Photo number 15 13. For the eyelashes, we cut out the details from a piece of plastic bottle, cutting and twisting the cilia, sewing by hand 14. The spin of the Forest Beauty is done like this: How to make a snake or a lizard from bright wrappers. Photo number 16 How to make a snake or a lizard from bright wrappers. Photo number 17 15. When we fill the backrest part completely with modules from the wrappers, it remains to connect the parts and stuff the body How to make a snake or a lizard from bright wrappers. Photo Number 18 16. To keep the head in a raised state, put a piece of aluminum wire inside. How to make a snake or a lizard from bright wrappers. Photo Number 19 How to make a snake or a lizard from bright wrappers. Photo number 20 17. Taurus is decorated with flowers made of wrappers made by hand

