How to make a beautiful flower arrangement? Ikebana with my own hands. Create a beautiful composition.
Ikebana is a special style of decoration,which is used in a variety of situations. Basically, the Ikebana element is used to decorate the design or decor of the room. This special style of flower decoration composition originates from Japan itself and has certain rules. Many people believe that Ikebana is a great way to express a flower and complement the space in any room. However, for proper design in the Ikebana style, certain knowledge and skills are required. Before you begin, you need to understand what Ikebana is?The main essence of Ikebana is to expressonly one flower. That is, you have the opportunity to use a large number of flowers, but it is one flower that will be reflected in the ikebana the most. In addition, a wide variety of elements are suitable for the design of ikebana, such as branches or dry cones. When decorating, you must not forget about certain rules. Rule one - Dynamics. Your flower should be dynamic and interesting. To do this, each element of the design should be used in different bends or tilts. This will highlight the main theme - the flower itself. Rule two - asymmetry. Oddly enough, in the case of Ikebana, this element is more than suitable. Asymmetry allows you to show the perfection of the flower against the background of a complete mismatch.
In expressing your ikebana, do not forget that,that it should match the interior. Each ikebana has its place. Thus, if you are making an ikebana for a certain room, take a closer look in advance so that its color characteristics fully correspond to its external qualities. Thus, it can be emphasized that Ikebana is a special style of home decoration, which is not used by everyone. Ikebana came to our region quite recently, but has already managed to interest many designers and show completely unexpected sides of the interior of many houses. Design an ikebana in accordance with your wishes, use two basic rules from the Japanese and get an excellent result. In this case, an ikebana made with your own hands will leave only the most pleasant and positive effects. Moreover, if you use more sophisticated methods and look for more and more opportunities to realize your own potential, perhaps it will turn out even better than expected.
The main rule of minimalism in this caseIt is worth using it completely. The external factors of the design of this flower will be able to emphasize a certain property and beauty of the desired space. It is quite easy to create an ikebana, only with 3 components you can already make a pretty good blank. However, the more you want to experiment, the more opportunities you should use in your own work. Thus, Ikebana will allow you to express absolutely all the features.