Knitting with knitting needles of stylish men's sweaters made of cotton thread. Diagram with description for beginners

Knitting with knitting needles of stylish men's sweaters made of cotton thread. Diagram with description for beginners

A knitted item created for the stronger halfhumanity - it is not always something rough and dark, as many are sure. For example, a light gray sweater, knitted from cotton thread with a braid pattern element, will look organic with a formal suit and with regular jeans. An asymmetrical selection of patterns will add originality to our model of a men's sweater. To create it, we will need: ten skeins of gray yarn, a set of knitting needles No. 3.knitted knitted sweater. Photo №1Cast on for the back, one hundred twenty loopsknit with a two by two elastic band six centimeters. Then continue knitting as follows: forty loops of a four by one elastic band, twenty loops of a pattern according to the scheme, sixty loops of the front surface. At a distance of forty-seven centimeters from the beginning of knitting, to form armholes, close evenly on both sides in one row first four loops, in the next row three, then two and one loop.knitted knitted sweater. Photo # 2If everything is done correctly, there should be a stitch on the needlesninety-six loops remain. To form the shoulder slope, close the loops, starting at a distance of sixty-eight centimeters. When you have knitted the back seventy centimeters, close the remaining loops on the neck.knitted knitted sweater. Picture №3Having started knitting the front part, we knit one hundredtwenty loops with a two by two elastic band, six centimeters, continue knitting, distributing the loops as follows: sixty loops with the front surface, twenty loops with a pattern according to the diagram, forty loops with a four by one elastic band.knitted knitted sweater. Photo №4We make the armholes in exactly the same way at the same height,as on the back. To form the neck, close the middle twelve loops at a height of sixty centimeters from the beginning of knitting. Finish the resulting two sides separately from each other.knitted knitted sweater. Photo №5To bevel the shoulders, close the loops evenly on each side, at a height of sixty-eight centimeters. To make a sleeve, cast on and knit sixty loops with a two-by-two elastic band.knitted knitted sweater. Photo №6Having knitted a six-centimeter elastic band, we knit the front onewith a garter stitch, while we begin to add loops evenly on each side until there are ninety-four loops on the knitting needles. At a height of fifty-eight centimeters, we close the loops for the sleeve bevel. When the sleeve is sixty-two centimeters long, we close the remaining loops in one row. The second sleeve is knitted in the same way.knitted knitted sweater. Photo №7Having completed the shoulder seam, cast on ninety-eight stitches along the edge of the neck and knit them with a three-centimeter elastic band. Sew in the sleeves and complete the remaining seams.

