Popular and characteristic features of Michelangelo's style - sculptures

Popular and characteristic features of Michelangelo's style - sculptures

Undoubtedly, those who have ever been familiar with the work on sculpture have heard of such a great creator as Michelangelo.

Genius of Michelangelo

Popular and characteristic features of the style of Michelangelo - sculpture. Photo №1In case the Greek masters representeda unified harmony of two components between the will of a person, as well as his body, and sculpture in the genre of "Gothic" generated an emotional connection, then in Michelangelo there is a confrontation between two feelings - between the will, as well as feeling. It is by studying his style of behavior in sculptures that we will be able to create previously impossible, characteristic works. Stretched bodyPopular and characteristic features of the style of Michelangelo - sculpture. Photo # 2First of all, it is worth understanding thatMichelangelo all works look tense, the muscles of the body are tense to the maximum frequency, sometimes even using the opposite, rotation movement, which is also perceived as an increased life of the spirit, as a psychological conflict. (Examples of works - Apollo, Victory, Matthew) Future movementPopular and characteristic features of the style of Michelangelo - sculpture. Picture №3It is very important to convey the future movement thatwill happen. It is noticeable on the sculpture that the movement itself is not yet there, but being not made of stone, it would definitely happen. The plastic component of this element is expressed with the help of a calm body, but thanks to the turn of, for example, the head, or with the help of an unexpected turn of the hand, the impression is created that the dynamics of the overall sculpture is completely ignited. (Examples of the work - Moses, David) The struggle of two feelingsPopular and characteristic features of the style of Michelangelo - sculpture. Photo №4A striking example of open and expressiveThe subtext in Michelangelo's work is a movement that looks very suppressed, sometimes contradictory for its owner. Most often, this is expressed with the help of external objects or physical limitations that muffle the conflict inside. A similar contrast in Michelangelo's works can be seen in the statue for the young slave: the division of a person into two components, where on one side of the contour the body leaves its strength, it loses its power, and on the other side - on the contrary, there is an active struggle and an intense upward movement. The viewer determines for himself what is this - agony, or an explosion of temperament? Such a set of active and unique qualities for Michelangelo made him not just special, but a great sculptor, admired by the whole world, to this day, trying to create similar quality paintings.

