This master class with photos will teach you how to make a house of paper with your own hands.
To create a paper city you will need:
- paper;
- scissors;
- glue;
- line;
- pencil;
- paint and brush.
This structure is created from volumetric geometricfigures glued together with paper. Parallelepipeds, cones, pyramids, cylinders – These are the main details of the complex. Glue them together from paper and arrange them according to your own imagination, and the complex is ready!This cute rustic house is made frompaper or cardboard cube. A sloping roof decorated with carved decor is glued to the base. The frame is glued into the cut out square of the window and painted with paints.The basis of this paper craft –parallelepipeds. But to make the buildings look more interesting, we will make their walls carved – There will be a lot of windows in our craft. Since the building is quite high, we will make pillars to maintain the rigidity of the structure. We will make the roofs in the form of quadrangular pyramids.The following design – bridge.To make it, we use the tube construction technique. The tubes themselves are glued together from strips of paper that need to be twisted using a pencil – This is the only way to get tubes of the same thickness. Having cut the tubes to the required length, glue them to the paper base and decorate the product with strips of paper.Since the bridge implies the presence of water, itcan be imitated from a large number of crumpled and folded pieces of paper. In addition, paper trees, wells, fences and other small buildings can be made to decorate the entire composition. Everything your imagination allows! Finally, parts of the paper city can be painted in all the colors of the rainbow!