Tatyana's works

Tatyana's works

photo of a crocheted set Hello! My name is Tatyana. Knitting "sick" with. Once I fell into the hands of the "magazine Mod". Thanks to the scheme in it, I tied this suit to my daughter. Threads "iris", hook I prefer 1.5. photo of a crocheted plaid And I tied this rug from the "iris", crocheted 1.5. She knit for a long time, usual "" with the replacement of flowers. Then she connected the motifs with a connecting post. photo of knitted golf Golfs for the daughter, that would have warmed the legs. Girls, no scheme, knitted according to the usual pattern of knitting socks. Just ordinary stripes alternated with strips. photo of crocheted sunflower And this is my sunflower! I love them very much !!! From them, and on the soul and in the room it becomes lighter, more comfortable !! Knitted from yarn "daisy", hook number 1.5. . And these are my napkins and a hot-water bottle on a saucepan. A white napkin is tied with a thin crochet from the "snowflake" threads. photo crocheted sweater Rainbow napkin - from iris: photo knitted napkin Well, I was knitting a hot-water bottle on a saucepan from Kabardian yarn. Very warm, it keeps the heat well. photo crack on the kettle

