Cream for New Year's baking with your own hands - a master class for work

Cream for New Year's baking with your own hands - a master class for work

When the first snow falls on our streets, aroundthe same, desired and expected New Year atmosphere awakens. Anyone wants to be involved in it and is ready to do everything to get as many opportunities to receive positive emotions. Parents from all over the world accustom children to the fact that on New Year's holidays miracles happen. But, it often happens that we do not have enough time, but we need to prepare some special, unique and incredible confectionery product that can surprise people around and leave pleasant impressions for relatives and friends.

Cream for New Year's baking with your own hands - a master class for work

Cream for New Year's baking with their own hands - a master class for work. Photo №1 Variety of different unique recipessurprises any person. But, when preparing confectionery and baking, we often forget that the question is not only the selection of the test, or the creation of some special form. Particular attention should be paid to one of the most important details of such a delicious version of a delicious dish. Of course, in this article we will talk about cream and various food colors, additives and goodies, with which we decorate our confectionery dishes. It is very important to choose the right recipe and work according to a special scheme, by means of which the cooking process will be simplified at times: Prepare the dough. It can be done on any basis. It is necessary to bake the dough and after that, to cool it, for the subsequent confectionery treatment. Cover your product with a special cream and any other kinds of makeup to get an incredible version of the confectionery. Cream for New Year's baking with their own hands - a master class for work. Photo # 2 So, the family table is preparing the mosta variety of dishes, which in the future we will use to diversify or improve our table. You can use the skill of baking and cook a variety of unique and incredible dishes with your own hands. To make a simple biscuit, or a muffin, it is enough to prepare a quick dough, which will help us in this task. In this case, in order to work on a recipe for making a coke, it is necessary to find a special recipe. We are sure that each of you can have your own recipe for preparing the test, or you can see our options for creating the test yourself in other sections. One thing is for sure, not every muffin can be prepared on its own and a full instruction will never interfere. But, creating an ornament for our baking is the main task. Creation of cream with the help of special ingredients is a unique way for those who want to try and improve their own methods of cooking confectionery. And what about preparing your own Christmas tree in the form of a coke? For this, first of all, we prepare the baking itself. When you have the shape of your baking ready, and the dough itself will already be laid out of the oven and ready for processing, you can start! Preparation of baking - prepare a cream Cream for New Year's baking with their own hands - a master class for work. Picture №3 To begin with, the baking should be cooled tothen, put a cream on it. The cream will form using a spiral shape. For this we may need a special culinary syringe, or a special plastic bag with a special hole in the corner. With the help of pressing and subsequently - extrusion, we form small molds on each biscuit. We take either buns, or flat cakes, or keksiki and other variants (kinds) of confectionery products. Also, it is advisable to buy or find a food type dye, with which the cream can be tinted. It is ideal to choose a green color. Let's take the variants of screw spins with sweet substances, which will ideally look like small Christmas trees. If, however, there are no variants of food colors, we leave the cream in the form of white. Thus, we will have Christmas trees covered with snow. In addition, it is best to make a sweet cream in the form of a standing form, rather than a liquid formulation. Then, in this case, it will be easier to put various Christmas decorations. You can use various kinds of sprinkles, use raisins, or variations of small chocolates. Cream for New Year's baking with their own hands - a master class for work. Photo №4 Dyestuffs and herringbone from cream If you workwith a green herringbone (In the event that food coloring was obtained), then, decorate our Christmas tree with a variation of white snow. To do this, you just need to buy a tile of white chocolate and cover it with all our artwork. It turns out that our Christmas tree was covered with snow. So, to come up with a unique and rich design for your own baking - this is not too difficult task. On the contrary, there are a number of unique solutions with which you can diversify pastries. Use food coloring, recreate a unique cream based on condensed milk and egg whites. In addition, a variety of opportunities in the preparation of such confectionery innovations allows you to think through your own ideas. Thus, to form your own and unique idea of ​​a food solution for your table - there will be no difficulties. In addition, it is not difficult to attract such a child to a child who can easily be trained in all variations of cooking a real pastry cream for a product, not counting the cooking of a real pastry test.

