We create with our own hands simple and original paintings from improvised materials

We create with our own hands simple and original paintings from improvised materials

Paintings are a special decorative item,which can change the interior beyond recognition. With the help of paintings, the room becomes more comfortable. Of course, today you can buy any painting you like in a store, but it is much cheaper to make it yourself, especially since you do not have to be an artist to do this. In addition, a painting made by yourself will be an author's work. A painting using buttons can be an excellent decoration for a room.Master class on how to create simple, but unusual pictures from improvised materials. Photo №1In order to make such a picture youYou will need two fabric-covered frames, which can be purchased at craft stores, paints, a brush, buttons, and glue. First, take the ready-made frames and paint them white.Then, using dark paint, draw the tree branches. The branches can be anything, because in nature, no two trees are alike.Now you need to take multi-colored buttons and start attaching them to the "branches" using glue. The buttons can be laid out in patterns or randomly. This is what an interesting composition turned out to be.In the same way, you can make a composition of four small paintings, each of which will be painted in a color corresponding to the season.Another interesting wall panel can be madeusing thick colored paper. To do this, take several sheets of black and green double-sided colored paper, which can be purchased at a stationery store.Draw a picture on black paper and usea stationery knife to cut it out. You can draw the drawings either by hand or use templates taken, for example, from the Internet and printed on a printer.We simply apply the sheet with the cut-out pattern tosheet of green paper. The edges of the leaves need to be slightly bent so that the green color is visible. The paper can be glued in some places so that it does not bend when hanging on the wall. The finished panel can be fixed on two planks.You can hang such a panel on the wall using a cord glued to the planks.As you can see, you can decorate the walls of your home using inexpensive materials at hand, which will look quite unusual.

