Draw a carnation pencil with the help of step-by-step drawing is absolutely easy

Draw a carnation pencil with the help of step-by-step drawing is absolutely easy

Step by step drawing of a carnation in pencil - one of thefascinating classes, which is very easy to learn, most importantly, to have a desire. Drawing, like other activities, has many advantages. For example, it improves the motor skills of the fingers, improves visual memory, improves imagination. The person who started drawing, begins to look at life completely different eyes. That is, everything plays more vivid and cheerful colors. The old things that surround you before will have a new meaning after. If you think that you can not draw, you are deeply mistaken. So, you did not study. Learning is from the simplest, gradually complicating his tasks. Before you start learning, you need to get acquainted with the history. Also, ask what tools and materials exist. Soon, you can choose the ones that are closest to you. That's when your work will get more vivid and unusual. It is important to get acquainted with the artists, their paintings written at different times. This is Aivazovsky, and Michelangelo, and Dali, and Picasso, Glazunov, Malevich and many others. In today's article it will be about how to step by step draw a carnation pencil. Carnation, in fact, a very beautiful flower. Unfortunately, she lost that popularity that was inherent in her earlier. Now it is remembered, as a rule, in not the most pleasant and good for each of us moments. Whatever it was, but, nevertheless, there are people who respect and honor these wonderful colors. It was the carnation was the favorite flower of the Queen of England Elizabeth I. And in Italy, women were very fond of decorating various elements of clothing with a carnation. For work you will need: paper, pencils, a little desire. In order to draw a carnation, we do not need to have a living flower at home. It is enough to find a picture or a photo. So, initially you have to decide on the shape that the future flower will have, and with its location on paper. You need to think carefully about where the flower will be and where the bud is. Step-by-step drawing of a carnation with a pencil. Photo №1 After that, you need to shape the colors. And, it's time to start painting the smallest details. Step-by-step drawing of a carnation with a pencil. Photo # 2 I draw your attention to the stems. To make them look as plausible as possible, they need to be thickened. Just do not forget that in the place where the stem is approaching the flower, it becomes thinner. Step-by-step drawing of a carnation with a pencil. Picture №3 Now proceed to the leaves. They are paired with cloves, and are opposite each other. Step-by-step drawing of a carnation with a pencil. Photo №4 After that, it's time to start painting ourplant. For starters, it's better to decorate the flower and stems with a light pencil, then add more dark and saturated colors until you reach the desired result. If you followed our advice and wishes, then your drawing should look like this, as shown in the photo below. Step-by-step drawing of a carnation with a pencil. Photo №5 Of course, there will be differences, and evento be present. After all, the most important thing is what? Put a piece of yourself into any of your work, whatever it is. This is what is called a highlight and uniqueness.

