An odd job at the kindergarten by May 9 with your own hands. Tank master class

An odd job at the kindergarten by May 9 with your own hands. Tank master class

Today we will look at how you can applyAn ordinary sponge for utensils to create an interesting crafts by May 9 for a kindergarten - a model of a military tank. This work is easy to do even for a small baby, but with a little help from the parent. You can also find out how we, together with our eldest son, recently made a tank of paper and cardboard as a gift to the Pope. And now for you - a master class, how to make a tank for the holiday on May 9, the Day of Our Great Victory! Perhaps, such an artwork with their own hands is suitable for an exhibition in a kindergarten, dedicated to this memorable date. All we need to create a tank is a foam sponge, preferably green, a lid from a plastic bottle (or a small round container), a piece of plasticine and a cocktail tube (in case of its absence, the tube can be easily twisted from paper or replaced with a stick from chupa- Chups), a marker, paints, scissors and glue. To begin with, we need to give the sponge a slightly rounded shape, doing this as follows, looking at our master class:An odd job at the kindergarten by May 9 with your own hands. Tank master classNow we need to correct the lower (hard) part of the sponge - the tank for May 9. To do this, we will trim our craft for kindergarten in the soft part, so that there is an even ledge at the bottom.An odd job at the kindergarten by May 9 with your own hands. Tank master classThe next stage of the master class on creating a tank with your own hands (we make a gap in front between the tracks):An odd job at the kindergarten by May 9 with your own hands. Tank master classIt's time to use the glue:An odd job at the kindergarten by May 9 with your own hands. Tank master classUsing a marker, you need to draw a caterpillar:An odd job at the kindergarten by May 9 with your own hands. Tank master classNow we make the top part of the tank by gluing it to the base.An odd job at the kindergarten by May 9 with your own hands. Tank master class An odd job at the kindergarten by May 9 with your own hands. Tank master classAnd let's not forget about the hatch for our tank, made with our own hands for May 9th for the kindergarten:An odd job at the kindergarten by May 9 with your own hands. Tank master class

