We knit with knitting needles for a man a beautiful pullover with a braid pattern with diagrams and a detailed description

We knit with knitting needles for a man a beautiful pullover with a braid pattern with diagrams and a detailed description

Learn to knit a pullover with"braids" for a man What loving woman doesn’t dream of pleasing her man with a hand-made gift? One of them could be a pullover with a “braid” pattern. Our master class provides data for sizes: 50 (54/56). To link it, you must have:

  • white Stop yarn (viscose - 50%, microfiber - 50%, density 105m/50g) - 900 (950) grams;
  • circular knitting needles №4;
  • knitting needles number 4.

When knitting this pullover, we use an elastic band: edge, alternately one knit, one purl, finishing with one front, one edge. In the purl row we knit loops in accordance with the pattern.Tie for a man a beautiful pullover with a pattern of a scythe according to the scheme. Photo №1Pattern "braid" (8 loops wide)knitted like this: first row – purl two, knit four, purl two; second and fourth row – the loops are knitted according to the pattern; third row – purl two, cross four stitches to the left (leave 2 stitches on an additional knitting needle in front of the fabric, knit 2 and knit stitches from an additional knitting needle), purl two; repeat from rows 1 to 4. Rhombus pattern with “braids” (28 stitches wide) we knit in accordance with the pattern, which shows only the front rows; in the purl rows we knit the loops in accordance with the pattern. From the first to the fifty-eighth row we repeat the rapport. Pattern of "braids" we knit like this: the number of loops is a multiple of 10 + 2 edge loops. We start and end each row with an edge row. First row – repeat the combination: 3 purl, 4 knit, 3 purl; Second and fourth row – we knit the loops in accordance with the pattern; Third row – repeat the combination: purl 3, cross 4 stitches to the left, purl 3; repeat from rows 1 to 4. In this work, the following knitting density will be used: 25 loops x 29 rows, which equals 10x10 centimeters, and for the “braid” pattern – 22.5 loops x 29 rows, which is also equal to 10x10 centimeters.Tie for a man a beautiful pullover with a pattern of a scythe according to the scheme. Photo # 2We knit the back.We cast on 115 (127) loops and knit 6 centimeters using an elastic band, adding 15 (19) loops in the final row, in total – 130 (146) loops. Next we knit like this: edge, then repeat this combination twice: 0 (8) “braid” loops; 26 rhombus loops with “braids”, 8 “braids” loops, repeat the initial combination twice (which has already been repeated); edge After 58 (60) centimeters or 168 (174) rows from the elastic band, we close 10 loops on the shoulder bevels on both sides and in every second row 4x8 (10) loops. Together with one shoulder decrease, we close off the middle 26 stitches for the neckline and finish the two sides separately. For the purpose of rounding, we close 1x4 and 2x3 loops along the inner edge in every second row. After 61 (63) centimeters or 176 (182) rows from the elastic, each loop must be used. We knit the front side of the product. We create the front side of the pullover in the same way as the back, but only with a larger neckline. To do this, you need to close the central 12 loops 55 centimeters (160 rows) from the elastic line and in all second rows close 4 loops once, 3 loops twice, 2 loops three times, one loop once.Tie for a man a beautiful pullover with a pattern of a scythe according to the scheme. Picture №3We knit the sleeves.We cast on 51 (57) stitches and knit six centimeters with an “elastic” pattern, while evenly increasing 11 (15) stitches in the final row (62/72 stitches in total). After this, knitting is carried out using a “braid” pattern. At the same time, from the “elastic band” line To ensure bevels along the sleeve on both sides, it is necessary to add one loop seven times in all sixth rows and alternately in all fourth and sixth rows 16 times one loop, taking into account the loops added to the pattern. After 44 centimeters (128 rows) from the “elastic band” All loops must be closed. We assemble the pullover. Connect the product along the shoulder lines. Using circular knitting needles, cast on 92 stitches along the neck line and knit with an “elastic” pattern. After knitting 6 centimeters, all the loops must be closed, following the pattern. Next, we sew in the sleeves and connect the pullover along the seams of the sleeves and sides.

