Knitting interesting patterns of Japanese shawls crocheted with a description of the work and photos, you can download them for free

Knitting interesting patterns of Japanese shawls crocheted with a description of the work and photos, you can download them for free

We knit original Japanese shawls with a crochet hook. Sucha unique product, like a shawl, can warm you on a cool summer evening. At the same time, it will add elegance and sophistication to your image. In this article, we offer you lessons on crocheting several models of shawls. Our patterns and detailed description will help you complete this task in the shortest possible time. The first model that we want to offer to your attention today will be a pale yellow filet shawl. To make it, you will need: seven hundred grams of pale yellow woolen yarn; hook No. 4.Beautiful models of Japanese shawls crocheted. Photo №1Progress of work The creation of this shawl is based onthe principle of filet knitting. Knitting of a shawl is performed upwards from the corner. First we collect a chain of five air loops, connect them into a ring, using a half-column, and then we perform further knitting, following the scheme №1.Beautiful models of Japanese shawls crocheted. Photo # 2 Beautiful models of Japanese shawls crocheted. Picture №3In all subsequent rows add 2cells along the edges. When the shawl is knitted to the beginning of the pattern, you need to mark two cells in the center. To make it easier for you, we recommend marking all the rows you knit with numbers.Beautiful models of Japanese shawls crocheted. Photo №4The design of your shawl will be formed byfilling empty cells: instead of two air loops, make two double crochets. You should start filling the cells no earlier than the fifteenth row, so that you can place the pattern on the shawl. Along the upper edge, we make a binding, following pattern No. 3.Beautiful models of Japanese shawls crocheted. Photo №5We make the sides on the sides, focusing on diagram No. 4. At the end, we attach the brushes on the sides, the length of which is twenty-four centimeters.Beautiful models of Japanese shawls crocheted. Photo №6We knit a shawl “Geometry” This modelThe shawl has a strict, but at the same time elegant look. To make it, you will need one hundred and seventy-five grams of yarn and a hook No. 2. In our case, the shawl has a size of one hundred sixty by sixty-seven centimeters.Beautiful models of Japanese shawls crocheted. Photo №7Determination of knitting density:Eleven and a half cells of the fillet fabric (thirty-four and a half loops) in fourteen rows make up a square of ten by ten centimeters of the final fabric. Knitting of this shawl also starts from the bottom corner, and then ninety rows are created, as indicated in the diagram. In this case, the fabric is gradually expanded. All unfilled cells of the fillet mesh include a column with one yarn over (C1H) and two air loops (VP). But in those cells that are filled, you need to knit two columns with a yarn over instead of two VP.Beautiful models of Japanese shawls crocheted. Photo №8In the middle of the propeller patterns you need to knitfour elements of the so-called "pop-corn" in two rows. The final stage will be a circular crochet of the product with a 3-th "picot". The next model of the shawl is "Guinerva". It is also made using the fillet knitting technique. To make it, you need two hundred and fifty grams of thin yarn and the same thin hook (No. 0, 75). The size of this product is one hundred sixty-five by ninety centimeters.Beautiful models of Japanese shawls crocheted. Photo Number 9We determine the knitting density:Seventeen cells of fillet fabric in nineteen rows make up a finished fabric measuring ten by ten centimeters. One empty cell of fillet fabric includes a double crochet and two VP, and a filled cell - three C1H. Knitting of a shawl is performed upwards from the lower corner, gradually expanding the fabric. In the side parts we make two rapports with a pattern of "spider". And starting from the eighteenth row at the distance between the edging and the pattern of "spiders" we proceed to knitting the main part of our product, creating flowers on the fillet fabric, as can be seen from the diagram.Beautiful models of Japanese shawls crocheted. Picture №10We tie the shawl along the top edge with one rowС1Н and one row of the pattern "crayfish step". The lower edge of the product can be decorated with fringe (twenty-five centimeters long). The model of the shawl "Rainbow border" is quite bright and original. To knit it, you should stock up on black yarn "Aliz Diva" (two hundred grams) and colored yarn "Aliz Diva Batik" (two hundred grams), hook No. 2. The central part of our shawl is made of black yarn.Beautiful models of Japanese shawls crocheted. Photo Number 11First, we make a chain of air loopsone hundred and forty centimeters long and mark the middle on it. We knit with decreases in the center and on the sides of the product. On the initial chain, you need to knit one row of arches from black yarn and one row of arches from colored yarn. And then we make a dense strip from colored yarn. Separately, we create patterns with colored yarn, while tying them with arches from black yarn, connecting them together and attaching them to the colored strip.Beautiful models of Japanese shawls crocheted. Photo number 12Then we make a strip of colored yarn in the free edges of the patterns. You can decorate the shawl with colored fringe.

