Master class kanzashi flower, master himself
This master class clearly demonstratescreation of an amazing flower in gold and silver color. Each tier of the lush product is formed by an inverted petal using the kanzashi technique. Such an original flower is suitable for decorating a headband, a long clip or it can be worn as an iridescent brooch, since the product combines not only satin, but also brocade, which gives a unique delicate shine.
To create a hair clip in Kansas technique, you will need:
The first step is to choose the colors.Over the years of practice, I have repeatedly become convinced that no matter how well a needlewoman has perfected the technique of creating elements, without a harmonious combination of colors the work looks dull or clumsy, so the combination of shades decides a lot. The creation of the product begins with work on the petals. For this flower in the kanzashi technique, you will need a lot of petals (13 cream, 13 gold, 7 white and 5 silver, plus a few more details for the branch), but they are all created according to the same principle and are sharp inverted petals that provide the shape of the flower and its voluminous appearance.
Detailed video on master class Kanzash flowers
The first step is to cut the ribbons intosquare blanks. The beige satin ribbon is 5 cm wide, so it is used to create squares measuring 5 by 5 cm. These elements will be the largest, such petals form the bottom layer, from which the main shape of the product is formed. The white satin ribbon must be divided into squares with a side size of 4 cm, since this is the width of the ribbon. Thick, iridescent brocade ribbons are cut into blanks in accordance with their width, that is, 4 by 4 cm.Each square element must be bent along a diagonal line and two opposite corners must be shifted into one.
At the next stage the triangle is bentthe second time along the median line, that is, from the center of the right angle to the opposite middle. After the created bend, a small triangle in four layers is formed.
Now we create the last bend along the central line, that is, from the right angle to the center of the opposite line. Thus, a regular acute kanzashi angle is formed.
When forming a classic petalit is necessary to cut off the base with a burner, soldering all the layers. But we need to turn the element inside out, so press the part with a ruler so that the base points (from where the petal "grows") and the middle part of the element's edge are connected. With a hot burner, draw one line, anneal the excess material and fuse all the layers together.
Turn the petal inside out and lightly singe it with hot water.tool its base. If you leave a very sharp base, then when gluing such parts, more glue will be needed, since you need to fix the petal almost to the fold line, and sharp edges will prevent the elements from being brought together in the center of the product.
The base of the petal is a satin circle. If you want to make a composition with a branch, add another base in the form of an elongated oval.
Start fixing large beige elements on the edge of the circle. They should completely cover the base circumference, forming the first row of the flower.
The second tier is created from gold parts.These petals are placed in each gap of the lower tier, and they form the second row, which protrudes above the first elements. Try to only slightly shift the elements to the center, since the size of the beige and gold blanks is different. By shifting half a centimeter closer to the center, the next tier of snow-white elements is formed. The diameter of this circle is smaller than that of the solid beige elements, so it will be possible to fix the elements in smaller quantities. The central tier is formed by delicate silver elements. They need to be fixed in such a state that all the petals tightly converge in the middle and lie symmetrically in the form of a five-pointed star. The middle of the flower still requires additions, so place a rhinestone or a tiny iridescent bead there. Place this element exactly in the middle and press it slightly, fixing it with glue. If you shift the central decoration, then the whole work will look crooked.
The branch is formed in a similar way using layers of petals, but the elements are not glued in a circle, but have one direction and form a branch to the side.
The iridescent brocade fabric is wonderfullooks good in both daylight and artificial light, so such a flower will decorate your hair or jacket for any occasion. You can add shimmer and brightness using rhinestones, which are easily fixed with glue on several petals. It is more convenient to use tweezers to pick up the rhinestones, turn the iridescent part over, apply hot glue and immediately carefully insert the element into the appropriate place, lightly press the rhinestone to the fabric with two fingers. From this master class, you learned how to create a wonderful volumetric flower with a twig. By changing the color of the product, you can create your own unique accessory using the described technique.
The most difficult part of bending the workpiece and forming the kanzashi petal is shown in the video tutorial above.