Master class on knitting ribbons from Valentina Litvinova

Master class on knitting ribbons from Valentina Litvinova

Master class on knitting beautiful ribbonlace of flowers. This lace can be used for knitting baby clothes and clothes. You can also use for finishing children's and women's clothes and interior items .. Dial 7 cp, one c.n. in the fourth cp, tie them together. 9 centu. in the fourth cp, tie them together. And knit to the desired length. Bind 7 bp, tie 4 bricks with 2n. and to tie them together under the d. the previous series, 8 cp. 4 s.2n tied together under this science, 1 stp. Repeat until the end of the row. Under the last dc.doc. to tie. 4 s.2N. together with 8 cp. 4в.п. in the third c.p. beginning of binding, 4in., 4c.2n. to tie it together, 8 in.p., 4 s.2n. tie it together, 1 st, 4c.2n. tie it together under 3 cp. the previous series, 8 bp, 4 p.2 n. tie it together under the same 3in. of the previous series. Repeat until the end of the row. Knitting Pattern: Author of work Wait, download ...

