Sewing a pattern for a trapeze skirt on an elastic band for a woman with a description for beginners.
I would like to immediately note that the creation of a patternEven a novice needlewoman can make a skirt with an elastic band. This model of skirt can be used for walks with friends, relaxation. Often, such types of skirts are sewn for girls. Sewing such a trapeze skirt is quite simple, and it will not take you much time. The fabric that you choose for sewing should stretch well across. For our model of skirt, we used knitted fabric with medium elasticity.
Here are the measurements of our product:The length of the skirt is forty centimeters. The hip circumference is ninety-six centimeters. Add four centimeters for the free fit (hips), but you can leave it more. As a result, we get the volume of the skirt equal to one meter. To construct a drawing of the skirt, you should use a quarter of the obtained value, that is, twenty-five centimeters. Let's start constructing a simple grid: the straight line of the bottom, from this line follows the length of the product (forty centimeters) - this is the waist line; twenty centimeters below the waist line is the hip line. a vertical line located at a distance of twenty-five centimeters from the central line of the fabric, is the side line.
How to draw a side line Drawing of a skirt is necessaryslightly widen towards the bottom, for which you should tilt the side line. To create it, you need to reduce the waist line by four centimeters. Do not touch the line running along the hips. Draw a line through the 2 resulting dots. As a result, we will get an expansion of the bottom line (in our case - by four centimeters). By reducing the waist line by a few centimeters, we count, first of all, on the ability of the selected fabric to stretch. And the skirt can be worn without a fastener.
Therefore, be sure to check the material onstretchability. Next, you need to draw the bottom and waist line. The waist line needs to intersect at a ninety-degree angle with the side line. Using a right triangle as a basis, we draw a perpendicular to the side line. In this case, you should start from the center of the waist. We draw the bottom line of the product in a similar way. Then we measure the length of the product along the middle line and the side line. The results should be equal, it is permissible for the side line to be one centimeter longer.
Using the pattern, measure the waist line and multiplythe obtained result by four and compare it with your waist circumference. The measurements according to the pattern should be of greater importance. This model of a skirt does not provide for absolute accuracy of measurements along the waist line. Therefore, to create a pattern of this skirt, you can use a simplified method. This option will be most acceptable for a typical figure or for a child. Then you need to draw smooth lines of the bottom and waist, in which you should smooth out the corners in the center. As a result, we will get a pattern of the front part of the product with a fold in the center. The back of the skirt will be done in the same way. To correctly process the seams along the top, bottom and sides of the product, remember about the allowances for a free fit. We lay out the fabric. Below are 2 ways of laying out on a fabric base of a pattern of a skirt with an elastic band.
First method:for small sizes, the fabric should be folded with the edges to the center, both elements should be cut with a fold. The second method: if the width of the fabric according to the 1st method is not enough for you, the fabric should be folded with the edges to the right side. The front part will have a fold, the back - a seam in the center. Finally, we advise you to use the described method of creating a pattern for making a lining for a flared skirt. When you start sewing the product itself, you need to make folds at the waist so that the cut along the top of the lining completely matches the dimensions of the skirt itself.